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Applying Ethical Concepts

Essay Instructions:

A growth in consumer and media ethical consciousness has resulted in the need for organizations to ensure that members understand, share and project an approved and unified set of ethics. Thus understanding which variables are related to sharing and variation of ethical reasoning and moral intent, and the relative strength of these variables is critical. While past research has examined individual (attitudes, values, etc.), social (peers, significant others, etc.) and organizational (codes of conduct, senior management, etc.) variables, it has focused on their influence on the individual - and not on their role in relation to patterns of group sharing and variation in an organization. Introduced as a new methodology to study ethics, microcultural analysis stipulates that to explain patterns of sharing and variation, one must understand how individual, social and organizational variables influence sharing and variation. Key hypotheses predict that managers who share in individual, social or organizational determinants will be more likely to share in ethical reasoning and moral intent. Qualitative and quantitative research supports the key hypotheses, finding social ties, personal moral intensity, Machiavellianism, locus of control and codes of ethics as significant determinants. Individuals who share in these determinants are more likely to share in ethical reasoning and moral intent

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Ethical issues that encircle the research problem
The major ethical issues that underlie the research problem include the need for one to examine how social, individual and cultural variables influence information sharing and variation of beliefs. It is only through such an approach that one can precisely understand information sharing concepts and variations in beliefs within an organization (Granitz, 2003).
Ethical issues that encircle the purpose or questions
It is plausible that the research paper intends to examine the relationship between individual, social and organizational determinants to major variations in moral intent and ethical reasoning. Thus, the objective of the paper arises out of the need to understand the impact of variations in ethical beliefs for several purposes. Firstly, there is a need to understand media and consumer ethical consciousness. Secondly, quantification of the relative influence of various determinants can enable the management to concentrate on the core values that create a unified set of ethics (Granitz, 2003).
Ethical issues that encircle the data collection
Due to the personal nature of the information that was necessary for purposes of addressing the rese...
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