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Applying the Concepts of Humanistic Psychology in Psychology Applied Learning Scenarios

Essay Instructions:

The Signature Assignment will be a 3 page
You should use a minimum of two (2) sources case scenario provided below:
Rachel is a very attractive woman in her mid thirties, who has come for counseling because although she is never without a boyfriend and frequently has more than one pursuing her, she finds that she cannot sustain a meaningful and lasting relationship with any of them. The men she gets involved with only seem to stick around for a moment and then leave. Rachel despises herself for sometimes being gullible in her desperate search to be loved. This self-hatred got so strong a couple of years ago that she took an overdose, but she was found in time by a neighbor and taken to hospital. The psychiatrist who saw her suggested that her inability to sustain love in others might be connected to the fact that as a child, she was severely deprived of love since her mother, a single parent, resented having to give up a promising career as an actress to look after her. Rachel does not accept this interpretation. She exclaims “I don't believe in psychiatrists, I'm not mad. I don't believe in all the rubbish about my mother, I don't need her. I just want someone to help me find out what
I'm doing wrong, so that I can find someone nice and settle down.”
In your Signature assignment, please include the following sections:
Based on what you had learned about psychological disorders, do you think Rachel is experiencing a psychological disorder? If your answer is yes, please state the symptoms that would indicate the corresponding disorder she is currently experiencing. If you do not believe that she is suffering from a psychological disorder, please explain your reasons or criteria why she is currently not experiencing a psychological disorder.
Based on what you had learned about developmental psychology, identify and explain some of the developmental concepts or topics that may have contributed to her current life situation.
If you were to play the role of being Rachel's counselor, how can you use the concepts related to Humanistic Psychology in order to allow Rachel to change her behaviors? Your answers

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rachel's case is an example of Psychology Applied Learning Scenarios. She seems to have a lot of bad experiences with men. Some of the reasons might seem connected to her childhood, but she isn't interested in the past. She has come to seek for counseling on how to make her get a nice man and settle in a relationship. This paper is going to delve into her case and analyze whether her condition is psychological of not. Evidence for either of the two diagnoses is going to be given. Additionally, the theories of developmental psychology over the whole concept of humanistic psychology will be addressed, based in her behavioral characteristics.
The fact that the situation is voluntary comes out of the fact that she brought herself for counseling. This clearly indicated a situation that has gotten out of her control. It is a personal assumption for the counselor to state that Rachel is attractive. Her own assumptions emanate from the fact that she feels the men she has had were just after sex. Her attempted suicide raises a serious ethical issue concerning her situation, which tends to be more connected to the psychological turmoil she's going through. It is however a professional judgment that her failure with men is as a result of her childhood where she was deprived of love. There are various themes that arise from her situation. She is in self-denial, resistance, suffers from a defunct family, and her attitude is self-destructive.
Psychoanalytic theory proposed by Freud, can be the most useful in analyzing Rachel's case. Freud himself specialized in the study of the subconscious aspects of a person that played a big role towards the outward behavior. Under the theory, there are three main categories of consciousness. The first is the unconscious, which is usually beyond an individual's knowledge all the time. The second is the preconscious, which is what one can remember if he or she wants to, and finally, the conscious which is the normal case of being aware. Additionally, there is the categorization of personality into three. The first is the id, which is the first personality to develop in an individual as he or she grows up. It exists in the unconscious. The second is the ego, which plays a he role in the decision making process. It is centered on the conscious and the preconcious. The superego exists in all the levels and is responsible for everything that can be considered acceptable (Razinsky, 2013).
All these define Rachel and justify her case as a psychological problem. Her id is very evident from the solution she wants for her problem. She doesn't want to be assiste...
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