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Applied Practice Experience at the Hugh Lane Foundation

Essay Instructions:

INTRODUCTION: Hugh Lane Foundation (please use the agreement that is attached with this)

• Identify and describe the (your) particular organization or agency in terms of its mission, purpose, goals and objectives and activities (in the form of programs or services of the organization).

• Describe the agency in terms of an organizational flow chart. The flow chart should be constructed to illustrate communication patterns within the organization, as well as personnel, their job titles, required training, and generalized job descriptions.

• Identify where you “fit” into the organization, whom do you report to for supervision, guidance, help, etc.

(Suggestion: you may wish to use red line to denote or trace these “critical” communication pathways). • List the total number of hours you worked during the APE.


• A narrative that describes the nature of the work performed during the APE. Use subheadings to help articulate the diversity of the tasks that you performed.

• Provide thorough descriptions of major projects completed during the APE.

• For major activities, reference the evidence that you have provided in the Evidence and Appendices section.


• Analyze the attainment of the selected five competencies. For each competency, describe the specific activities undertaken during the APE, how your completion of those projects demonstrates your attainment of each competency, and describe the written evidence that you are submitting as examples of competency attainment. Include copies of each referenced piece of written evidence in the Evidence and Other Appendices section at the end of the portfolio (see below).


• Provide a brief overview of your individual session with a career expert from the Ohio University Career Network. In particular, describe briefly how the APE has influenced your thoughts about the type of public health career you might plan to pursue and any insights you gained from your discussion with the Career Network representative.


• Indicate “positives” from your APE work experience.

• Describe challenges faced during the APE and how they were overcome.

• Indicate areas for improvement of the APE work experience.

• Describe your perceived needs for additional experience/training.

• Reflect on the APE experience. Describe how the APE enhanced your preparation as a public health



• Include a cover page to the appendices that includes a table that lists each competency and that describes the specific written evidence being submitted as documentation of competency attainment (see Appendix C).

• Include copies of the written evidence that documents your attainment of each of the competencies. Be sure to label each piece of evidence as you have identified it in the narrative descriptions of your portfolio.

• You should have significant written evidence for each competency. Examples of evidence are: a written literature review, a written summary of data analysis, copies of communication tools, copies of a presentation, policy documents, health assessments, systems map, curricula, program plans, program evaluation plan, meeting minutes that identify your role, among others.

• Include any other appendices that you have referenced in the narrative portion of the portfolio


• Typed, single spaced, and not to exceed 10 pages (not including evidence and appendices).

• Professionally presented in terms of formatting, quality of writing, and overall presentation.

• Include evidence and appendices that contain copies of work products to support competency attainment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applied Practice Experience at the Hugh Lane Foundation
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
May 1, 2023
During my time at the Hugh Lane Foundation, I worked with a passionate and dedicated team focused on improving public health outcomes and promoting health equity within local communities. As a non-profit organization, the foundation is committed to empowering individuals and families to make informed decisions about their health, providing essential resources and education for health promotion, and advocating for policies that positively impact community health. I felt inspired by the foundation's goals and objectives, which centered around enhancing access to healthcare services, promoting healthy lifestyles, and addressing the social determinants of health through various programs and services.
The organizational structure at the Hugh Lane Foundation followed a hierarchical design, with Executive Director Sarah Rosso at the helm (Rosso, 2023). Sarah's leadership and vision guided the various departments, including Health Promotion, Research & Evaluation, Community Engagement, and Operations. Within each department, a manager and staff members with specialized training in their respective fields worked collaboratively to fulfill the foundation's mission.
My placement in the Health Promotion department provided me with an incredible opportunity to learn and grow under the supervision of the Health Promotion Manager. They guided me through my APE experience, offering support, mentorship, and valuable insights into the field of public health (Central Outreach Wellness Center, n.d.). Over the course of my APE, I dedicated 300 hours to working on various projects, learning from my colleagues, and contributing to the foundation's efforts to improve the health and well-being of our community.
In the subsequent discussions in this paper, I will delve deeper into the specific projects and tasks I undertook during my APE, highlighting my roles and responsibilities and the competencies I developed throughout my time at the foundation. Additionally, I will reflect on my career perspectives, discuss the challenges I faced and overcame, and share my thoughts on how this experience has shaped my professional growth and prepared me for a future career in public health.
Roles and Responsibilities
During my APE, I had the opportunity to engage in various tasks and projects, which allowed me to develop my skills and gain hands-on experience in public health. In this section, I will discuss my roles and responsibilities in greater detail and reflect on how these experiences contributed to my personal and professional growth.
Health Promotion Material Development
One of my primary responsibilities was creating educational materials, such as brochures, flyers, and posters, to disseminate public health information to diverse audiences. These materials addressed chronic disease prevention, mental health awareness, and substance abuse prevention. This task challenged me to think creatively and communicate complex health information in a way that was accessible and engaging to the community. I found this process both rewarding and educational, as it allowed me to deepen my understanding of these health issues and expand my skills in health communication.
Community Presentations
Another significant aspect of my APE experience involved developing and delivering presentations on various public health topics to community members, local organizations, and schools. I aimed to promote awareness and education on prevalent health issues through these presentations. This experience helped me build my confidence in public speaking and enabled me to gain valuable insights into the community's needs and concerns. It was particularly gratifying to see these presentations' positive impact on attendees, and I felt a sense of accomplishment in contributing to their increased understanding of these essential topics.
Social Media Campaigns
I also had the opportunity to assist in designing and implementing social media campaigns to raise awareness of public health issues and promote the foundation's programs and services. This task allowed me to explore the power of social media as a tool for health promotion and community engagement. I learned how to craft compelling and informative content resonating with our target audience, and I gained valuable experience using various social media platforms to amplify our message.
Program Evaluation
Lastly, I participated in evaluating existing health promotion programs, analyzing data to assess their effectiveness, and making recommendations for improvement. This task gave me a deeper understanding of the importance of evidence-based practice in public health. It allowed me to develop my skills in data analysis and program evaluation. I found it particularly rewarding to see how my contributions helped to inform decision-making and enhance the quality of the programs offered by the foundation.
Overall, my APE experience at the Hugh Lane Foundation was incredibly enriching and allowed me to grow personally and professionally. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on these diverse projects and contributed to improving our community's health and well-being.
Competency Development
Throughout my APE experience, I focused on developing the following competencies and achieved various competencies.
Communicate Audience-appropriate Public Health Content
During my APE, I focused on developing my ability to effectively communicate public health information to diverse audiences. I learned to tailor my communication style and content to suit different target groups, improving our messages' reach and impact. Creating health promotion materials, delivering presentations, and participating in social media campaigns allowed me to better understand how to engage various demographics and present complex information in an accessible manner (Ryan, 2016). As evidence of my competency attainment, I have included copies of the materials I created, a summary of the social media campaigns, and feedback from target audiences in the appendices.
Apply Negotiation and Mediation Skills
Collaborating with community partners and stakeholders to address challenges faced by the foundation and local communities gave ...
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