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Antimicrobial Resistance

Essay Instructions:

Antimicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial resistance or drug resistance is defined by the CDC as "the result of microbes changing in ways that reduce or eliminate the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals, or other agents to cure or prevent infections," (CDC, 2009). According to the CDC, this drug resistance by these microorganisms has been a growing concern for health care workers around the world.

Review the CDC campaign to prevent antimicrobial resistance and the other resources provided this week. Then, address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper:

Based on the information provided at the CDC site and in the resources, respond to the following:

•How do health care providers, patients, and industries contribute to the development of drug resistant "bugs"?

•What steps should be taken in hospitals or health care facilities to prevent antimicrobial resistance? Provide specific examples.

Support your ideas or those of others with references from the professional nursing literature. Refer to the "Antimicrobial Resistance Application Rubric" prior to submission.


•CDC. (2009). Antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance. Retrieved from http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/drugresistance/index.html

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Topic: Antimicrobial Resistance
The CDC defines antimicrobial resistance (also known as drug resistance) as the result of microorganisms in the body altering such that it lessen and disregard the significance of chemicals, drugs, and other substances used to prevent or cure contaminations, (CDC, 2014). This Drug resistance by these microorganisms, according to CDC, has been a growing concern for healthcare workers worldwide. Though, since the 1940s, these antibiotic medications have substantially reduced infections and deaths from infectious diseases (CDC, 2014). Antibiotics can be beneficial when recommended and used appropriately; their advantages in patient care are abundant. However, the usage of these antibiotic drugs has been so extensive and for a long time that the contagious organisms they (antibiotics) are intended to fight have adapted to them, rendering the drugs ineffective.
Health care providers, patients, and industries contribution to the development of drug resistance
Studies by CDC have shown that every year, a lot of prescriptions by doctors involving antibiotics are given to tend to viral infections for which these drugs offer no assistance. The CDC suggests that antibiotic recommendation in outpatient situations could be minimized by more than 30 % without adverse effect on patient health. The CDC studies confirm that there are two major categories of microorganisms (virus and bacteria) that are the form basis for most infections. Antibiotics are well able to kill bacteria, but have no effect on viruses (the primary cause of colds, flu, and sore throats). Apparently, only 15 % of cases of sore throats are triggered by the pathogen Streptococcus Pyogenes (Karch, 2013). Additionally, virus results in a number of sinus infections, bronchitis, coughs, and middle ear fluid (mostly in children); these do not automatically warranty use of antibiotics except when there are other indications.
Doctors have often blamed overprescribing of antibiotics on factors such as uncertainty in diagnosis, time constraints, and high demand by patients. Most physicians have reported to be put under pressure by patients to give antibiotics prescriptions. Most individuals who do not want to call in sick at work, or sometimes have a sick kid who probably forced the entire family to be awake all night, and are willing to attempt whatever thing that with a potential to work (CDC, 2014). The pressed physician may find it much easier to provide a recommendation for an antibiotic than explaining to the patient reasons not to use one. Firstly, the antibiotic may offer no help for a viral infection, and secondly, it raises the chances of an antimicrobial-resistant infection developing later on.
Recently, fewer new antimicrobials have been developed by pharmaceutical companies for a number of reasons (Spellberg, Guidos, Gilbert, & Bradley, 2008). The inclusive success rate of antimicrobials and low yield on investment makes them less profitable for drug companies (Spellberg, Powers, Bra...
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