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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Antimicrobial Resistance on Drugs

Essay Instructions:


#1 Karch, A. (2013). Focus on nursing pharmacology (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &


#2 http://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/drugresistance/about.html

How do health care providers, patients, and industries contribute to the development of drug resistant “bugs”?

What steps should be taken in hospitals or health care facilities to prevent antimicrobial resistance? Provide specific examples.

- Demonstrates that the CDC campaign to prevent antimicrobial resistance resource and the

other resources provided this week were read, viewed, and considered

- Explains in detail the underlying mechanisms of action that underpin the pharmacological


- Provides detailed description on how health care providers, patients and industries contribute

to the development of drug resistant “bugs”

- Provides specific examples on what steps should be taken in hospitals or health care facilities

to prevent antimicrobial resistance

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Antimicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial Resistance
Drug resistance ‘bugs’ have become a health concern. Health care providers contribute to the development of drug resistance “bugs” when they practice over-prescription of these drugs even in the absence of the correct indications (Karch, 2013). For example, a healthcare provider may prescribe a drug just-in-case or prescribe a wide spectrum of drugs when a specific drug is more appropriate. This resistance is enhanced by diagnostic uncertainty, failure to conduct patient-follow-up, limited knowledge about optimal therapies, and also bowing down to patient demands. When there is a lack of proper documentation for the dose, duration, and also indication after the drug is used can result in resistance (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Other times healthcare providers fail to check and observe drug resistance patterns within their facilities. This may cause a patient to be prescribed a drug on an illness that has shown resistance to this drug and such carelessness of the physician may contribute to drug resistance later on.
Patients can also contribute to drug resistance “bugs” when they practice self-medication and also fail to comply with the recommended treatment. When this occurs some drugs develop resistance. Some patients demand prescription of certain drugs from the physician, and in so doing contribute to resistance because this drug may not be appropriate for treat specific illnesses. Some practices such failing to complete a dosage and forgetting to take medication as prescribed can lead the microorganisms to develop resistance to the drugs. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, patients who share drugs or store drugs for later use without having been prescribed at that particular time are at risk of developing resistance (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).
Industries that manufactu...
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