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Analyzation of Assessment Data

Essay Instructions:

Explain what reliability is and whether this test is reliable based on the "Sample Item Analysis" resource. What evidence supports your answer?
What trends are seen in the raw scores? How would an instructor use this information?
What is the range for this sample? What information does the range provide and why is it important?
What information does the standard error of measurement provide? Does the test have a small or large standard error of measurement? How would an instructor use this information?
Explain the process of analyzing individual items once an instructor has analyzed basic concepts of measurement.
If one of the questions on the exam had a p-value of .100, would it be a best practice to eliminate the item? Justify your answer.
If one of the questions on the exam has a negative PBI for the correct option and one or more of the distractors have a positive PBI, what information does this give the instructor? How would you recommend that the instructor adjust this item?
Based on the "NUR-648E Sample Item Analysis" resource, what steps would you take to improve learning?

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Analyzing Assessment Data
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Analyzing Assessment Data
Explain what reliability is and whether this test is reliable based on the “Sample Item Analysis” resource. What evidence supports your answer?
Test reliability focuses on whether the questions in a test are consistent or dependable. The primary question asked to determine if a specific test is reliable should be whether an individual would get the same score if he or she repeats given questions (Mohajan, 2017). In particular, if the majority of test-takers get similar scores after retaking a test, it can be said to be reliable. However, if an individual’s initial score is different from the results obtained after repeating the test, such as 80 and 50, the test is said to be unreliable. The “NUR-648E Sample Item Analysis” is reliable. The primary evidence that shows the reliability of the nurse test is the KR20 of 0.55. Given that examinees are required to choose the correct answer from at least four choices indicated, there would be no significant difference if they are asked to retake the test.
What trends are seen in the raw scores? How would an instructor use this information?
The instructor can use the raw scores to improve the test and students’ performance. In some questions, examinees performed excellently while in others, poorly. For example, 67 students gave correct answers for question 20998 out of 68 examinees, which was an excellent performance. However, the performance in question 11301 was poor since only 19 students got it right. In that light, the instructor can use the results obtained to revisit some of the areas where students’ performance was poor. For instance, the topic involving the intravenous infusion of amphotericin B should be repeated. Caregivers should know when to continue or stop a specific treatment if it has adverse side effects on a patient. When it comes to exams, learners’ academic performance should reflect what they have done in the classroom.
What is the range for this sample? What information does the range provide, and why is it important?
The range refers to the difference between the highest and lowest values, which is a measure of variability (Taylor, 2019). In the “Sample Item Analysis,” the range is the difference between the maximum and minimum students’ performance (70-51), which is 19. In the scenario at hand, the range is crucial since it shows the instructor the score difference between the best student and the one who scored the lowest marks. Although all students who did the test performed above average, the range indicates the statistical dispersion from the central tendency. The instructor can use the range to understand why some learners perform well while others do not. For instance, the individual can combine multiple teaching methods to ensure that all learners can understand the concepts taught in the class. Besides, students with the lowest score might need extra assistance, which can be done if the range is significant.
What information does the standard error of measurement provide? Does the test have a small or large standard error of measurement? How would an instructor use this information?
The standard error of measurement (SEM) refers to how a person’s repeated measures using a similar instrument are distributed around the “true” score (Jensen, 2015). Notably, all assessments are estimated. Regardless of the measurement criteria used, all scores have an error, so a student’s actual achievement cannot be determined. As such, if the range is small, the assessment or test precision is high. SEM is calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the sample size square root. In the scenario at hand, SEM=0.5. The instructor can use SEM to determine the progress of students’ performance. For example, the educator can use it to determine how the precision of a test affects learners’ scores. That way, it becomes possible to improve the test to ensure that it reflects students’ comprehension of the concepts learned in the class.
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