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Analysis of Public Health Improvement Initiatives

Essay Instructions:

Assessment 3

Patient-Centered Care Report


Write a report on the application of population health improvement initiative outcomes to patient-centered care, based on information presented in an interactive multimedia scenario.

In this assessment, you have an opportunity to apply the tenets of evidence-based practice in both patient-centered care and population health improvement contexts. You will be challenged to think critically, evaluate what the evidence suggests is an appropriate approach to personalizing patient care, and determine what aspects of the approach could be applied to similar situations and patients.

Required Resources

The following resources are required to complete the assessment.

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application | Transcript

Suggested Resources

The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MSN-FP6011 – Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health Library Guide can help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

Evidence-Based Practice

• Devine, D. A., Wenger, B., Krugman, M., Zwink, J. E., Shiskowsky, K., Hagman, J., . . . Reeves, C. (2015). Part 1: Evidence-based facility design using transforming care at the bedside principles [PDF]. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(2), 74–83.

• Jeffs, L., Beswick, S., Lo, J., Campbell, H., Ferris, E., & Sidani, S. (2013). Defining what evidence is, linking it to patient outcomes, and making it relevant to practice: Insight from clinical nurses. Applied Nursing Research, 26(3), 105–109.

• Krugman, M., Sanders, C., & Kinney, L. J. (2015). Part 2: Evaluation and outcomes of an evidence-based facility design project. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(2), 84–92.

• Rice, M. J. (2013). Evidence-based practice: A model for clinical application. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 19(4), 217–221.

• Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences: Review Levels of Evidence.

• Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences.

Research Guides

• Nursing Masters (MSN) Research Guide.

• Database Guide: Ovid Nursing Full Text PLUS.

• Kaplan, L. (n.d.). Framework for how to read and critique a research study. Retrieved from https://www(dot)nursingworld(dot)org/~4afdfd/globalassets/practiceandpolicy/innovation--evidence/framework-for-how-to-read-and-critique-a-research-study.pdf

Assessment instructions


In this assessment, you will base your Patient-Centered Care Report on the scenario presented in the Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application media piece. Some of the writing you completed and exported from the media piece should serve as pre-writing for this assessment and inform the final draft of your report. Even though the media piece presented only one type of care setting, you can extrapolate individualized care decisions, based on population health improvement initiative outcomes, to other settings.


Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. In addition, you may want to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Writing, Supporting Evidence, and APA Style

• Write clearly and logically, using correct grammar and mechanics.

• Integrate relevant evidence from 3–5 current scholarly or professional sources to support your evaluation, recommendations, and plans.

o Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.

o Attach a reference list to your report.

Report Content

Address the following points in a 4–6 page report:

• Evaluate the expected outcomes of the population health improvement initiative that were, and were not, achieved.

o Describe the outcomes that were achieved, their positive effects on the community's health, and any variance across demographic groups.

o Describe the outcomes that were not achieved, the extent to which they fell short of expectations, and any variance across demographic groups.

o Identify the factors (for example: institutional, community, environmental, resources, communication) that may have contributed to any achievement shortfalls.

• Propose a strategy for improving the outcomes of the population health improvement initiative, or ensuring that all outcomes are being addressed, based on the best available evidence.

o Describe the corrective measures you would take to address the factors that may have contributed to achievement shortfalls.

o Cite the evidence (from similar projects, research, or professional organization resources) that supports the corrective measures you are proposing.

o Explain how the evidence illustrates the likelihood of improved outcomes if your proposed strategy is enacted

• Develop an approach to personalizing patient care that incorporates lessons learned from the population health improvement initiative outcomes.

o Explain how the outcomes and lessons learned informed the decisions you made in your approach for personalizing care for the patient with a health condition related to the population health concern addressed in the improvement initiative.

o Ensure that your approach to personalizing care for the individual patient addresses the patient's:

o Individual health needs.

o Economic and environmental realities.

o Culture and family.

o Incorporate the best available evidence (from both the population health improvement initiative and other relevant sources) to inform your approach and actions you intend to take.

• Justify the value and relevance of evidence you used to support your approach to personalizing care for your patient.

o Explain why your evidence is valuable and relevant to your patient's case.

o Explain why each piece of evidence is appropriate for both the health issue you are trying to correct and for the unique situation of your patient and their family.

• Propose a framework for evaluating the outcomes of your approach to personalizing patient care.

o Ensure that your framework includes measurable criteria that are relevant to your desired outcomes.

o Explain why the criteria are appropriate and useful measures of success.

o Identify the specific aspects of your approach that are most likely to be transferable to other individual cases.

N.B Please address all Assessment instructions (report content), see attached file (Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application and Patient-Centered Care Report scoring guide).

Thank you,

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Patient-Centered Care Report
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Patient-Centered Care Report
This patient-centered report is based on the findings of public health improvement initiatives (PHII). In PHII initiatives, the emphasis is laid on the collective performance of the patients. The providers must devise strategies to address the individual needs of their patients. The analysis focuses on Alicia Balewa, the director of Safe Headspace, which is working on new interventions for traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and post-traumatic brain disorder (PTSD). The organization focuses on older adults who have endured the experiences of trauma throughout their mid-life. The primary technique for the organization is exercise. Balewa indicates that they have persuaded most of their beneficiaries to participate in CDC-approved aerobic exercises with the possible achievement of proper cognitive and emotional functioning. The auxiliary techniques employed in the project included medications and therapy as well as treatment. Using the strategies implemented by Balewa, this report will evaluate the expected outcomes and develop approaches to personalized patient care.
Evaluation of the Outcomes
The outcomes of the study showcase some aspects of achievement and others in which more improvements will be demanded. The areas of success for this project are evaluated based on the key activities to which the patients were subjected. Exercises proved more popular among the participants with a 50% success rate. The results from the approved aerobic exercises proved successful especially with improved muscle control at 15%, improved moods by 15%, and memory by 61%. While the project does not specify the exercises in which the participants were indulged, it reports having analyzed individual activities throughout the week. This first element of the project was successful in most areas bearing the data provided. The emphasis for the exercises was to lure as many as possible people in the project and subject them to exercises that improve muscle control, moods, and memory. With positive outcomes in all the variables, the first approach was largely effective.
There was an element of failure that the project must explore while continuing with aerobics as an ideal approach to managing TBI and PTSD. The principal challenge in this approach is participation and endurance. The project began with half of the participants showing the willingness to partake in the project. Of the 400 participants who committed, only 75 completed the project to showcase reasonable outcomes. From a population of 800 people, it is conclusive that aerobic exercises were only successful in 9.4% of the cases. A higher success rate would be expected considering the number of people who quit along with the project. The challenges that must be addressed in this first phase of the project include willingness to participate in the project, the difficulties by the individuals to partake in aerobic exercises, and whether the participants who quit did not feel the impacts or if their symptoms worsened with active participation in the exercises. Hence, the intensity of the exercises, emotional disengagement from the exercises, and lack of resources may have been the shortfalls for the aerobic exercises project.
Medication and therapy as well as treatment through meditation also bore aspects of success and shortfalls. The findings indicate that 40% of the participants began their antidepressant regimens under the supervision of psychotherapists. The success rate was high, as indicated, even though the exact figures are not provided. The participants adhered to the treatment regimens. Medication and therapy showed an improvement of 26% in mood and 6% in memory. As opposed to the exercises that took 3 months to deliver the outcomes, the medication and therapy project took 6 months to complete. The failures of the second technique were extensive supervision and longer durations to achieve stable outcomes. Meditation delivered success with an improvement in moods at 70% and 32% in muscle control. The failures in meditation were 8% of the participants quitting due to disinterest. The sessions were shorter...
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