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Analysis of Blake Sports Apparel (Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate effective strategies for leading diverse groups at various levels of an organization while fostering collaboration and compassion.

Review the case, Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together. Consider the criteria for successful teams and the factors needed to ensure teams are structured for success.

Write a 750-1,000 word plan describing the steps necessary to create more successful teams at various levels in an organization by utilizing the events outlined in the case. Address the following questions and concepts in your paper. Be sure to support your rationale by providing specific examples. You are required to include three to five additional references to support your position.

Define the characteristics and structure of successful teams. Describe how independent teams are vital to organizational success.

Discuss the important factors to consider when leading teams within the various levels of an organization. Discuss specifically which factors are important to consider when leading teams at the executive level.

Describe the aspects that are essential in identifying appropriate members for teams and ensuring the teams are successfully launched.

Discuss the important factors for ongoing team dynamics. Describe guidelines to evaluate the function and productivity of teams.

Describe strategies that can create collaboration and leadership initiative among team members. Based on the content provided in the case, explain the action that Barker can take to improve collaboration among the team members.

Compassion is a significant attribute of many religions and philosophies, as well as being important for both authentic and servant leadership. From a Christian worldview perspective, discuss how would you empower your teams as a leader through compassion, honoring diversity, engaging team members in civil discourse, and supporting equality for all members as they work toward a common goal.

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Analysis of Blake Sports Apparel
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Analysis of Blake Sports Apparel
Business organizations need the input of their human resources to succeed even amidst continued reliance on technological advancements. One avenue of fueling performance among employees is by instilling the appropriate culture for teamwork. Teams work collectively to create and innovate for the sustainability of the business organizations. Failure of a business venture begins the moment leaders cannot institute working teams to fuel their operations and competitive advantage. This paper evaluates effective strategies for leading diverse groups at various levels of an organization while fostering collaboration and compassion through a detailed analysis of the case “Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together.” The application of real organization experience in exploring effective strategies for leading diverse groups is vital in understanding organizations and how they can perform through elements of teamwork such as collaboration, communication, and compassion.
Characteristics and Structure of Successful Independent Teams
Independent teams remain vital to the success of business organizations. With independence comes the freedom to create and innovate. That allows a business venture to grow through competition by satisfying their customers uniquely. Independent teams can also correct the organization (Hu et al., 2017). A motivated and well-structured team understands the synchrony between the internal and external factors of an organization. These teams, hence, can advise managers on the best strategies to employ to overcome operational challenges. Having an organization without such teams can fail.
There are characteristics and structures that independent teams must meet to become important to the organizations. A well-structured team has a leader. It also has members who have distinct roles. The individualistic roles must be revitalized into collective team performance (Hu et al., 2017). That happens when such a team instills characteristics such as proper communication platforms, commitment to team goals at the expense of individual goals, and collaboration with all team members to achieve the goals. The team must be visionary, creative, and focused on success to achieve their goals.
Factors to Consider when Leading Teams
A team leader must consider various factors while leading a team at the executive level. Part of the reason why Barker failed to form a successful organization at one point is that the executive team seemed disintegrated. The first factor to consider is organizational culture. A team must be formed to reflect a specific culture and state of standards (Evert et al., 2018). At Blake, the culture focused on revenue creation. As the organization changed, the CEO failed to instill the new culture on members of the executive board. The other factor to consider is diversity. Organizations are growing to employ people with diverse attributes. Instilling diversity in teams triggers creativity. Ultimately, consider communication (Thye & Yoon, 2015). At Blake, each member of the team operated independently to affect growth in the long-term. A team leader, such as a CEO, must develop proper communication channels for all members of the team.
Identifying Appropriate Members
Specific factors are vital in identifying the right members for a team. Primarily, it is important to consider intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. Team members must understand themselves as well as other members. That can happen if they ...
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