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Analysis of ANA Position on Abuse of Prescription Drugs

Essay Instructions:

ANA position paper


1. Drug and Alcohol Abuse

a. Abuse of Prescription Drugs

Below are the contents of the paper for the assignment:

o Introduction

o Identify the topic and the ANA Official Position

o Compare and Contrast the position with another federal, national, or global organization on the same or similar position – must show similarities and differences

o Using QSEN Competencies – Describe how the position supports at least one QSEN competency and relevant KSA’s

o Analyze the impact of the position on the nursing profession and the broader public – most important section – spend time on this!

o Discuss how a coach leader would promote this position with novice nurses.

o Conclusion

o References

The paper is due week 5 in the TurnItIn forum (See syllabus supplement regarding originality scores) and in the grading forum

This is an APA 7th ed. formatted paper. A template for an APA formatted paper is on the moodle page near the APA references and information. You may use that template, but change the sections that need changing. Use the MEAL acronym for developing your paper.

APA 7th edition requirements for all papers is on the moodle page near the APA references and information.

There should be at least references for the position statement, QSEN competency, the comparison organization, and at least two peer-reviewed journals for the analysis section. Do not use .com or .net websites at all. Use scholarly peer-reviewed articles, websites can be .gov, .org, .edu .

Review the rubric that will be used for grading before you turn it in for a grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of ANA Position on Abuse of Prescription Drugs
Analysis of ANA Position on Abuse of Prescription Drugs
Drug prescription control measures are a critical element in the healthcare system. People rely on healthcare professionals to provide safe and appropriate prescription management practices. Implementing safe and proper techniques benefits the patients and family members in the community (Stoicea,2019). In light of this approach, health care professionals and health governing bodies develop policies and principles designed to meet these common objectives under a health policy. Notably, health policy comprises collaborative practices, actions, decisions, and support programs geared to achieve a given community's specific long-term healthcare goals. Health care policy contributes immensely to the ever-changing healthcare landscape and aims to amplify the views of nursing professionals and the general public(Stoicea,2019). These principles and practices apply guide nurses regardless of their practice in all nursing settings and play a fundamental role in professional nursing. In the United States, the American Nurses Association is mandated to develop position statements relevant to nursing practice, health policy, social concerns impacting individual and public health. Positon statements act as amplifiers to communicate the views of nursing, steer professionalism, educate policy makers and the consumers (Kalaitzidis, & Jewell, 2020). Following this, this paper aims to review the ANA's position statement regarding abuse of prescription drugs which has been a public health issue, also to shed light on how the above position aligns with clinical practice, its role in professional nursing, and the broader public, especially in the fight against prescription drug abuse.
The topic under research is the abuse of prescription drugs greatly aligns with ANA's official position statement core concepts, namely quality nursing care and social concerns. Abuse of prescription drugs is the misuse of drugs for purposes other than the recommended one that can cause serious medical issues such as prescription drug disorders, addiction, and overdose deaths related to prescription drugs(Stoicea,2019). The American Nurses Association disapproves of any malpractice and incompetence's from health care providers when administering or prescribing drugs, particularly abuse of prescribed medications within the profession. The Association employs a robust, urgent framework to diverse the proper channels to educate nurses in all settings about the importance of safe and appropriate prescription activities.
Similarities with the National Institute on Drug Abuse
The National Institute on Drug Abuse and American Nursing Association's position statement features share similar healthcare and social concerns of individual and public health regarding prescription drug abuse. Firstly it is evident that both NIDA and ANA are vocal on mass sensitization and urgent intervention to mitigate the steadily rising cases of prescription drug abuse (Penm et al.,2017). Through increased mass sensitization on the issue, these governing bodies have managed to alleviate the psychological and physical burden of prescription drug abuse. Both organizations play a fundamental role in research and education of the adverse effects of prescription drug abuse. In collaboration with the state official, NIDA conducts in-depth research to understand the changing social, economic, and political dynamics in the public health issue.
On the other hand, ANA guides nurses in providing the best prescription practices and management to alleviate malpractice and fraud claims in drug administration to improve patients' and family's wellbeing. NIDA focuses on providing evidence-based principles and practices to indicate the extent of prescription drug abuse, its consequences, and its risk factors and recognize effective interventions for response and prevention in the long run. However, both the NIDA and ANA positions are guided by research and education to eradicate fraudulent prescribing and misuse practices. Thirdly the organizations oversee the development of regulatory frameworks and tools to design safe and appropriate response frameworks to abuse to prescription drug abuse. Another similar feature is the immense collaboration to the country's research Institutes to strengthen capacity to offer relief and support to victims of prescription drug abuse. Lastly NIDA and ANA, in partnership with other health governing bodies, have taken the initiative to develop objectives geared to support an interdisciplinary, coordinated community-based focus.
`While assessing the NIDA and ANA position, it is also critical to highlight the essential differences between the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the American Nursing Association. In terms of coverage and inclusivity, the National Institute of Drug Abuse spearheads scientific research on a national level and is vocal on factors influencing drug abuse and drug use at the national level. On this topic, the NIDA initiated nationwide campaigns to create awareness of the adverse effects of prescription drug abuse. The Institute has increased capacity and devised rigid regulatory and research practices to strengthen healthcare facilities, particularly in eradicating prescription drug abuse. On the other hand, the American Nursing Association is spearheading the design and development of health policy guiding professionalism in nursing. However, the American National Association responds to social issues and nursing practices influencing the provision of quality healthcare, its geared to professionalize nursing practice. The ANA aims to advance the quality and standards of nursing care by developing safe and appropriate prescription practices and management in all nurse settings. It is also important to note that NIDA has endorsed a nationwide plan to advance science on the diverse causes and consequences of drug abuse and addiction to offer evidence-based clinical practices to improve the health of the patients and families. In this regard, the NIDA guidelines focus on identifying the social-economic and political factors causing drug abuse to improve patients and family outcomes. The ANA's general principles guide nurses to reduce malpractice to eradicate abuse of prescription drugs. The American National Association aims to achieve this by educating nurses on the importance of clinical-based assessment, intervention, and evaluation before prescribing legal or illicit drugs.
QSEN Competency
The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses initiative was designed and developed in the United States to promote effective health care practices. The QSEN initiative includes safety and quality improvement teamwork and collaboration, safety, informatics, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, informatics, and nursing practice and education competencies. These core competencies are employed using specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are critical tools in the nursing profession. These competencies play a crucial role in providing quality and standard health care to improve individual and public healthcare. In this light of approach, it is evident that abuse of prescription drugs is anchored on one of the QSEN competencies concerning relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes, including but not limited to evidence-based practice. Prescription drug abuse requires a holistic approach to integrate current clinical trials that align with the client's needs and in best consideration of the family and...
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