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Analysis of a Mental Health Diagnosis

Essay Instructions:

read The Yellow Wallpaper (short, 15 pages) and discuss it in a paper and submit to Brightspace. The paper must answer all of the questions listed and must be 10% or less of similarity in Turnitin.

Link for the book:


Questions to be answered in your paper:

1. What mental health diagnosis, if any, would you apply to the wife? Why? Give me the criteria and symptoms you believe support your diagnosis.

2. What contributed to her condition?

3. Describe John’s attitude and behavior towards his wife. How does he treat her? Do you think that many health care providers treat patients the same way? Discuss.

4. In your opinion, are the symptoms, treatments, and causes of the mental illness you think the wife suffers from described in “The Yellow Wall-Paper” applicable today? Why or why not?

5. Briefly explain what pareidolia is and why this is or is not what the wife experienced.

6. Describe the interrelationship of emotional, intellectual, physical and social health.

7. Discuss your feelings, thoughts on what happened to the wife as you read the book.

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The Yellow Wallpaper
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The Yellow Wallpaper
Diagnosis of the Wife's Condition
I believe the wife has depression accompanied by postpartum depression because there was a mention of a baby in the story. She says that she could not take care of or love the baby and has no motherly desire to be with him. The baby's presence also makes her nervous. She experiences isolation and disconnection from the world, her relatives and has anxiety as well. The symptoms of her depression include feeling helpless or hopeless, inability to sleep properly, fatigue, irritability, and loss of appetite, as her husband also mentions that she does not eat well and has lost weight.
Causes of the Condition
Major contributors to her condition are limited social interactions, isolation from the world and her family, and the restrictions put on her by her husband. She seems to miss her friends, relatives, and going out and mingling but cannot as she is intimidated by her husband and brother. They think that isolating her is the treatment for her melancholia.
Husband's Attitude Towards his Wife
The husband, whose name is John, is portrayed as a caretaker of the wife, the narrator of the story. She says that he is a doctor, a physician of higher standing, and a great husband. However, John's attitude with her is like treating an unsuspecting child, easily intimidated, and weak. He does not treat her as an equal but almost lesser because he believes he is far more intelligent and learned to understand her better than she knows herself. He also invalidates her whenever she mentions that she is uncomfortable and wants the confinement to end. The wife also feels estranged from her husband as he dominates her by teaching how she should be feeling mentally and physically. He completely disregards her opinion on her well-being. Therefore, there is a strong sense of John constraining her psychologically and physically.
I believe that healthcare providers also, somewhat, similarly treat the patient as John treats his wife. They fail to relate with the patient due to a lack of empathy and become desensitized to people's unique needs and queries. They see all patients in the same light, often thinking that they know better for the individual than themselves. As a result, they often disregard the legitimate co...
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