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Analysis of the Behavior Management Issue

Essay Instructions:

Identify a behaviour management issue in my practice as a nurse i.e nurses that have been in the unit for a while & is not open to new changes & learning. Investigate strategies to address this behaviour in learning. Describe & justify the strategies I would use to promote a positive learning environment.

Consider barriers to inclusion as S.E.N.D (teachers would know this) & E.A.L. & refer to educational theory & literature, such as relationships, routines & responses to support my discussion.(1,000 words, Harvard referencing please. Thank you!

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by Student’s Name
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Behavior management issue3Barriers in learning3Positive learning environment3Strategies3Theoratical Framework4SEND & EAL stategies4Reference List PAGEREF _Toc5032287 \h 5
Behavior management issue
As a certified male nurse working for 16 years in an elderly med ward, I have faced many behavior management issues. During my tenure, the prominent behavior management issue I faced is the “reluctant behavior of nurses regarding learning new techniques,” especially those working in a unit for a while. The issue overlaps various aspects like the nurses working in the hospital over a period are not likely to learn and elevate their academics and stay least focused on learning new strategies. Unfortunately, the issue caused various problems and obstacles in my performance and led me to face severe complications from the managerial authorities.
Barriers in learning
Even under the best of circumstances, our job as nurses can be busy and frustrating. Taking our frustrations out on someone unable to defend themselves or utterly ignorant of any possible wrongdoing is something we may even consider (Alqahtani, 2015). Nurses work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, due to which the workload becomes hectic. However, it doesn’t provide them enough time to learn more. Inequality and discrimination on caste, creed, age, and sex are the greatest barriers for nurses to learn new strategies. Furthermore, I also faced discrimination due to my color. Female nurses were more likely than male nurses to have inferiority complexes. When coping with practical learning environments, many nurses did not have the necessary knowledge to provide adequate treatment at the bedside. Giving service to the community was a difficult task for them (Yousefy et al., 2015). Male nurses’ unprofessional attitude also inhibits them from learning as they are comfortable working traditionally (Johnson et al., 2010). They don’t want to spend time learning new strategies because working in a unit makes it difficult to feel lesser from others. Many nurses are housewives, and they have kids to take care of, due to which they couldn’t attend classes which is a barrier to learning (Parizad et al., 2018). According to my experience, fatigue caused by working shifts, a high proportion of night shift personnel enrolled in professional development classes, an inability to concentrate among permanent night personnel in the categories, a high level of early education and employment pressure imposed on personnel, familial accountabilities, and a variety of other factors, can lead nurses not to attend the higher courses for learning new strategies especially for those working in a unit.
Positive learning environment
Here are various strategies I would recommend elevating positive learning with alternate and relevant methods. First, improvements in one’s knowledge of the distinctions between qualitative methods are emphasized as essential aspects of one’s training for nursing practice. Additionally, interactive methods to educate the research process, critical evaluation, and education and training are valuable tactics to implement (Phillips and Cullen, 2014). Therefore, interactive learning activities, such as concern learning, knowledge exchange, the differentiated instruction, virtual simulations, workshops, cooperative learning, and discussions, should be encouraged.
When nurses engage with instructors who are experts in teaching new technologies, their nursing education is enhanced. Nursing professors with expertise in occupational and technical studies and undertake interdisciplinary research are required to educate nurses in various nursing education (Joyce et al., 2005). Instructors should devise a schedule of disciplines that don’t require many nurses’ time and provide detailed training regarding innovative strategies and the latest technologies. These disciplines are essential for developing a holistic approach to learn new technologies and strategies to treat patients well in a positive environment...
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