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The American Rescue Plan and Its Effects on Nursing Practice

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment.

Include the following:

1. Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced within the last 5 years to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system. Describe the effect of this on nursing practice and the nurse's role and responsibility

2. Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations.

3. Discuss professional nursing leadership and management roles that have arisen and how they are important in responding to emerging trends and in the promotion of patient safety and quality care in diverse health care settings.

4. Research emerging trends. Predict two ways in which the practice of nursing and nursing roles will grow or transform within the next five years in response to upcoming trends or predicted issues in health care.

You are required to cite a minimum of four sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

NOTE: please let the selected writer, write this order. If in any case he/she cannot, please let me know. thanks

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Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice
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Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice
The United States healthcare system is constantly changing to meet contemporary patient and professional needs. Stakeholders have induced changes through reforms and restructuring to ensure that it provides the best health care services for quality outcomes. Within the last five years, different policies have significantly affected practices across various professions. These changes also affect patient outcomes in unique ways, in addition to demanding specific leadership approaches from the healthcare providers. In this context, this paper explores the current healthcare reforms in the nation, the actions taken, and the nursing roles within the changing environment.
Current or Emerging healthcare Laws or Federal Regulation
The American Rescue Plan represents one of the recent federal regulations introduced in America to restructure and reform healthcare delivery in the nation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. President Joe Biden signed it into law on March 11, 2021 (Campaign for Action, 2022). The rule incorporates a $1.9 trillion relief package for COVID-19 with various provisions seeking to transform the health systems, hospitals, and professions. It also comprised other funding targeting rural healthcare professionals and facilities, among other fundamental elements like the Medicare wage index changes. Its central objective was to boost the country’s capacity to respond against the pandemic through additional resources for treatment, vaccines, personal protective equipment, development of the workforce, tracing of contacts, and testing (Campaign for Action, 2022). The law is comprehensive because it influences diverse practices, including nursing, in dynamic ways.
Nursing practice has received critical and progressive effects since the president signed this regulation into law. For instance, it has bolstered the workforce population in underserved communities, relieving the existing practitioners of the excess work-related pressures (Campaign for Action, 2022). The $500 million in finances provided by the law to support skilled nursing facilities arises as an impactful component that has enabled these experts to extend their services to vulnerable populations, increasing access and availability of nursing services for all (Campaign for Action, 2022). The focus on improving nursing, capacity building through training, and meeting loan repayment demonstrates the law’s readiness to improve their working conditions and facilitate easy delivery of nursing services (Campaign for Action, 2022). This approach has positioned nursing roles as fundamental in the caring of diverse populations during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. It has elevated their responsibility in combating diseases as critical to the stability of the healthcare system.
Quality Measures and Pay for Performance Effect on Patient Outcomes
Quality measures and pay-for-performance have remained a divisive discourse in the healthcare system. Researchers such as Martin et al. (2020) indicate that some studies find these approaches progressive and impactful in motivating healthcare providers to provide services to many patients. Others raise concern that the nature of the schemes promotes high service volumes with minimal regard to the value and quality of the patient. The authors also argue that using P4P can lead to team tension, characterized by healthcare providers avoiding complicated patients because their health trends may hamper a practitioner’s statistics (Martin et al., 2020). However, the quality targets remain fundamental in assisting healthcare providers in improving the patient care process, leading to improved outcomes (Martin et al., 2020). The concerns only demonstrate that every approach may trigger some unintended consequences. These trajectories reveal that the quality measures require careful implementation to prevent making these approaches counterproductive to patient outcomes as professionals pursue compensation and protection of their image rather than prioritizing the quality of services and results for the patients.
The quality measures and P4P programs significantly impact nursing practice, similar to other professions. For instance, Weech-Maldonado et al. (2019) indicate that they pus...
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