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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Allowing Patient to Die and Physician Assisted Suicide

Essay Instructions:

Differentiate between allowing a patient to die and physician-assisted suicide. What are the legal implications of the two concepts? What moral implications do they have? Why are doctors reluctant to abide by patient or family wishes to stop life support machines?

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Physician Assisted Suicide
Differentiate between allowing a patient to die and physician-assisted suicide. What are the legal implications of the two concepts? What moral implications do they have? Why are doctors reluctant to abide by patient or family wishes to stop life support machines?
Allowing the patient to die is letting them physician-assisted death without the physician facilitating the death, but includes removing life-longing therapies and mechanisms that are no longer useful. Physician assisted suicide is the practice of physicians aiding mentally competent patients to die, especially in terminal illness cases (Golighe et al., 2017). When allowing a patient to die, one does cause the death, and death is indirectly linked to an action, but the implication is that action or inaction that allows patients to die is permissible than cases where physicians intervene directly. Physician-assisted suicide hastens death and there are those who consider this similar to killing and failure to protect life, but the option is also preferred among those seeking the right to end their suffering in dignified and compassionate way.
Allowing a patient to die ends choices that patients and their families have, and may cause moral distress for physicians and health practitioners who believe there is no dignity in failing to intervene and prolong life. Physicians have a moral responsibility to provide quality care and keep patients safe, and being allowed to as it patients may increase the risk that they target the vulnerable...
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