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Aerobic Exercise for Adolescents

Essay Instructions:

This is for Youth Fitness Trainer course, ISSA
How would you design an aerobic training program for an adolescent boy or girl?
When creating a training program for an adolescent, what is the most important training principle? How would you make sure to address this principle when creating the program?

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Aerobic Exercise for Adolescents
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Aerobic Exercise for Adolescents
This is a form of exercise that trains the cardiopulmonary system by exerting continuous and rhythmic movements of the body's large muscle groups. This increases the cardiopulmonary endurance by improving oxygen intake by the muscle groups to produce energy (Mulcahey, 2019).
Design for Adolescents
Adolescents until seventeen-years-old, regardless of sex, should do at least sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise daily, at least three days a week (CDC, 2021). The intensity can be monitored based on the computation of the target heart rate. This can be continuous or in bouts of ten minutes until the sixty-minute duration is completed. Examples of high-impact aerobic exercises include running, jumping, and step aerobics. However, adolescents with low cardiopulmonary endurance can start with low- to moderate impact activities, such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling, and rowing (Cleveland Clinic, n.d.; Mulcahey, 2019).
For instance, the 17-year-old female adolescent has a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute, and the percentage of the heart rate reserve is set at 70%. CDC (2020) suggested that moderate physical activity should have a target heart rate between 64% to 76%. Therefore, the client will initially do a moderate aerobic exercise. By computation, the target heart rate of this client is at 160 beats per minute. Initially, the client can do sixty-minute moderate-impact jogging, with an alternate two minutes of jogging then two minutes of walking. This can be done alternately with moderate-impact aerobic dancing for sixty minutes, three times a week. The heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate of every training session shall be recorded.
Training Program Principle
The principle of progressive overload is essential in training the aerobic...
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