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Advocate to Reduce Maternal Mortality in a Low Middle Income: Sierra Leone

Essay Instructions:

You are the leader of a local community-based organization in an LMIC of your choice, which represents and advocates for a specific disadvantaged population group (e.g., women, children, disabled communities, the very poor, older people, etc.). You need your local politician to advocate, for more resources for your organization, to the national parliament. You have been asked to write a policy brief for that local politician that details two to three actions to improve your disadvantaged population group’s “equitable” access to specific health services (e.g., maternal health services; adolescent sexual and reproductive health services; vaccinations; water, sanitation, and hygiene(WASH); rehabilitation and palliative care, etc.).

Note : to be written in 3rd person

I choose maternal health services ( Advocate to reduce maternal mortality in a Low Middle income country Sierra Leone)

Use this as a guide for introduction to SMART Recommendations:Policy Briefs: an evidence-based influencing tool



1. Scale: M&M, Incidence/prevalence 2. Scope: At-risk groups ( women in Low middle income countries in Sierra Leone)

Background, Evidence: 1. Risks 2.SDHs (social determinants of health)

3. Environment

Past/current policies:(past policy brief, current policy brief)

1. What works

2. What doesn’t

3. gaps to fill

4. Why: Health system barriers, bottlenecks & their causes

SMART Recommendations Proposed policy: 1. fills gaps/weaknesses 2. Credibly, feasibly addresses causes 3. Is within authority of MoH/Org. to do

Audience “ask”: Ask the politician to help , and say why it may be a difference

1. Believe

2. Endorse

3. Support, as appropriate to their authority/capacity: e.g., funds, advocacy, legislation, Exec order, national launch, Tech

Other Guide:

Health System Building Blocks

Foundations of Global Health

The Building Blocks framework highlights areas of potential reform for the global health system, including: 1. The WHO framework describes health systems in terms of six components or Building Blocks:

a. Financing: A good health financing system raises adequate funds for health, in ways that ensure people can use needed services and are protected from financial catastrophe or impoverishment associated with having to pay for them.

b. Health workforce: A well-performing health workforce is one that works in responsive ways, fair and efficient to achieve the best health outcomes possible, given available resources and circumstances

c. Information systems: A well-functioning health information system is one that ensures the production, analysis, dissemination and use of reliable and timely information on health determinants, health system performance and health status.

d. Medical products and technologies: A well-functioning health system ensures equitable access to essential medical products, vaccines and technologies of assured quality, safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness, with scientifically sound and cost-effective use.

e. Leadership/governance: Leadership and governance involve ensuring the existence of policy frameworks combined with effective oversight, coalition building, regulation, attention to system design and accountability.

f. Service delivery: Good service deliveries are those which deliver effective, safe, quality personal and non-personal health interventions to those that need them, when and where needed, with minimum waste of resources.

2. NB: GOVERNANCE: is a critical function underpinning and intersecting each of the Building Blocks.

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Foundations in Global Health

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Foundations in Global Health

Maternal mortality is one of the leading causes of death in several underdeveloped nations in Africa. In some countries, common problems during pregnancy, post-partum, and delivery are among the factors that lead to increased maternal deaths. Sierra Leone is one of the countries that record a higher rate of maternal mortality globally. Habib (2020) noted that, in the country, one in seventeen mothers is at risk of death during the maternal period. It records approximately 1165 deaths per 100,000 live births. Ministry of Health and Sanitation (n.d) attested that common risk factor for these deaths includes obstetric hemorrhage (46%), sepsis (11%), and obstructed labor (21%). The process involves blood transfusion, which can only be done in hospitals and consume some time. If the expectant mother is remotely located, the bleeding can worsen and eventually lead to death. Therefore, there is a need to address the maternal mortality issues in the country to improve the survival rates.

Maternal mortality mainly results from "3 delays": a delay in determining to look for care, recognizing and reaching a healthcare facility, and obtaining necessary care. The three delays are accelerated by numerous causes, especially inaccessibility to quality maternal medical facilities and higher teenage pregnancies in Sierra Leone (Bujph, 2023). Lack of access to quality maternal medical facilities resulted from the Sierra Leone Civil War, damaged more than 75% of the country's health centers in ruins and several with no healthcare access (Bujph, 2023). These facilities also lack essential resources which increases the vulnerability. Moreover, the increased rate of teenage pregnancies also aggravates maternal mortalities. For instance, the country recorded 107 pregnancies per 1000 live births amongst teenagers in 2020, which was six times the rate in the USA (Bujph, 2023). Child marriages hinder teenagers from acquiring education to inspire themselves for the future.

In the country, several aspects are considered when evaluating the factors affecting individuals' health and 

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