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Advocacy Strategy Gun Control

Essay Instructions:

Please include the advocacy Gun Control, please use all the gun related violence this year in usa

Prepare a presentation for DNP peers at a conference OR

2.) Prepare a speech for stakeholders in the strategy

Develop an advocacy strategy for your selected health issue.

Include a definition and explanation of the problem, along with the history and background information. What sentinel event(s) and/or influential forces stimulated development of the policy?

Identify the stage in the policy making process, as well as a conceptual framework from which to view the policy problem/issue. As appropriate, identify the sponsors of the policy. Identify the perceived beneficiaries of the policy, as well as those who may be adversely affected

Identify actions/stance professional nursing organizations/or other professional organizations are taking related to the problem/issue.

Identify and discuss strategies to address the problem/issue, including legislative efforts and/or policy alternatives, recommendations for action and who would be responsible for the oversight of policy

Address the financial aspect of the implementation and evaluation of the policy.

Your strategy must include:

The Application of an Advocacy Model such as the Shilton Model

Supporting research

Clarity, relevance and economic analysis

Creativity and level of scope commensurate with doctoral level work

Using the above information, choose one of the following 2 options to fulfill the project requirement. Note: you must utilize Kaltura.

1.) Prepare a presentation for DNP peers at a conference OR

2.) Prepare a speech for stakeholders in the strategy

Note that both methods are amenable to a Power Point Presentation utilizing. See the Advocacy Assignment Rubric downloadfor guidelines.


DNP 7104 Advocacy Strategy Assignment Rubric

DNP 7104 Advocacy Strategy Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAdvocacy Strategy with Economic Analysis

20 pts

DISTINGUISHED: Strategy and Economic Analysis are thorough, detailed and exemplary

18.9 pts

PROFICIENT: Strategy and Economic Analysis are proficient for this level of work

17.7 pts

SATISFACTORY: Strategy and Economic Analysis are satisfactory for this level of work

16.5 pts

EMERGRING: Strategy and Economic Analysis are emerging for this level of work

14.7 pts

UNSATISFACTORY: Strategy and Economic Analysis are poorly developed

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Advocacy Model

20 pts

Application of Advocacy Model is thorough, detailed and exemplary

18.9 pts

Advocacy Model is proficient in development

17.7 pts

Advocacy Model is satisfactory in development

16.5 pts

Advocacy Model is emerging in development

14.7 pts

There is no Advocacy model or development is minimal

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Research

15 pts

Supporting Research is clearly evident, pertinent, exemplary

14.2 pts

Supporting Research is proficient in development

13.3 pts

Supporting Research is satisfactory in development

12.4 pts

Supporting Research is emerging in development

11 pts

Supporting Research is missing or minimal

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity, Relevance

15 pts

Strategy is exquisitely clear and relevant

14.2 pts

Work is proficient in clarity and relevance

13.3 pts

Work is satisfactory in clarity and relevance

12.4 pts

Work is emerging in its clarity and relevance

11 pts

Work is not clear or relevant or minimal

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScope and Creativity of Strategy

15 pts

Strategy is exquisite in scope and creativity

14.2 pts

Strategy scope and creativity are proficient

13.3 pts

Strategy scope and creativity are satisfactory

12.4 pts

Strategy scope and creativity are emerging

11 pts

Strategy lacks scope and creativity

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting /APA

15 pts

Writing/APA is proficient with rare errors

14.2 pts

Writing/APA is proficient with rare errors

13.3 pts

Writing/APA is satisfactory with few errors

12.4 pts

Writing/APA is emerging with several errors

11 pts

Writing /APA is unsatisfactory with multiple errors

15 pts

Total Points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advocacy Strategy Gun Control Policy
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
Advocacy Strategy Gun Control Policy
I am humbled to have an opportunity to represent the healthcare workers regarding a sensitive topic on gun control. As the medical team, we are concerned about the increasing number of deaths and admissions due to gun violence. With your help, we can come up with a permanent solution to end or reduce the cases.
To start with, what is gun control? According to Cabral (2019), gun control is the rules and regulation that defines the selling, owning and use of guns by individuals. For a long time, we've been experiencing pain with the news of losing loved ones in the mass shooting. The hope that one day we will overcome the tragedies of gun deaths from happening in the United States of America is what gives us healing. It's not only the high-profile shootings that are of importance but also the daily dun killings that take the lives of more than 30,000 people yearly. America has always been in the leading position of mass deaths globally, taking a considerable percentage of more than 50%. It is high time we come up with the best solution to control the calamity. Barney & Schaffner (2019) asserts that the political investment into gun controls through proposing and adopting a policy that controls gun-owning and usage might be the solution we have been waiting to end the mass shooting problem. Specifically, the advocacy organizations' policies can help solve the chronic issue.
Before we look into the solution to the problem, let's start understanding the roots and history of the tragedy. In the past years, American has unconsciously adopted the gun violence culture (Cabral, 2019). The changing civilian gun technology has increased the numbers and guts of deadly murderers. The cases started appearing on the news headlines in 1966 at the University of Texas when the fatal mass murder in U.S. history. The "Texas Tower Sniper" 96 minutes attack left 31 people wounded and 16 killed. The use of semiautomatic weapons allowed him to have a casualty every 2 minutes. Apart from the "Texas Tower Sniper," the Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2017 shooting was another deadly gun attack. The shooter was in a hotel targeting the country music festival. The attack left 546 people wounded, with 58 dead in 10 minutes, achieving a person's causality rate per second. Besides, a mass shooting is not the only cause of gun deaths in America. For instance, in the 2015’s gun death tally, 13,000 were killed through homicides, and 22,000 committed suicide, living only 46 deaths to mass shootings (Stanbrook, 2019). The increasing number of death cases and causalities stimulates the need to develop gun control policies.
In creating a policy, the need to follow critical steps is essential in ensuring excellent results. First, the agenda-setting stage is a crucial step of policymaking. A public challenge is identified at this stage then solutions are discussed with different parties in four steps. The first step in this stage is systematic agenda where all issues from public officials are taken with importance (Barney & Schaffner, 2019). The following plan is the institutional agenda. The stage picks essential matters from the systematic list for the policymakers to assess and act on. Additionally, the discretionary agenda is vital in the process. The agenda has a lawmakers list that is independent prom the systematic and institutional agenda. Finally, we will need the decision agenda that carries the final for the policy makers to consider.
After the agenda-setting stage, the policy formation step is the next significant stage of policymaking. The stage involves the government developing policy options. It requires the officials o analyze different policy options by removing the infeasible ones. Intense debates are held to help to decide the best policy. For instance, in gun control, the government can look into the qualifications of a person before receiving a gun license. The officials will bring their ideas which will undergo debates and the best option will pass to the next step. Moreover, the decision-making step is considered. The stage decides the best course of action to solve the problem. In gun violence, they will sele...
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