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Adult learning requires extremely appropriate techniques of learning

Essay Instructions:
Your task: In a 3 page paper, please do the following: Discuss at least 3 teaching techniques or strategies to engage adult learners. Discuss the difference between formative (sometimes called process), impact, and summative (sometimes called outcome) evaluation and the role they play when selecting strategies to engage adult learners. Are some teaching techniques more appropriate for low literacy clients than others? If so, please explain and give examples. What barriers might you encounter in engaging students online as compared with the traditional classroom? How could you overcome those barriers? In one paragraph, summarize how this assignment has helped you in developing proficiency in one or more of the Health Education areas of responsibility. Be specific in mentioning the area and its associated competencies. The 7 Areas of Responsibility for Health Educators are described at http://nchec(dot)org/credentialing/responsibilities/ Assignment Expectations, in order to earn full credit: Please write your paper in your own words. That is the only way I can evaluate your level of understanding. Quotes are rarely needed; if necessary, they should comprise less than 10% of a paper and must be properly cited. Even though the papers must be written in your own words, you are required to use scholarly and professional sources to support your statement. Cite sources for any statement of fact or idea that is not common knowledge. You must cite the sources within the body of the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Adult learning requires extremely appropriate techniques of learning that accommodates them as they are. There are many strategies used and some of them include: word splash, brainstorming, and know -want- learn techniques.
Word splash system involves the provision of a collection of words that are a representation of the key thing that the teacher or lecturer wants to teach. Those words delivered to the audience, in our case the adults are meant to construct sentences related to the important concepts. Finally, the students are supposed to compare, revise the words and phrases given but based on the key issues. This method is very advantageous since it encourages and enables the students to remember what they already know (Jones& Johnson, 1990).
Brainstorming method on the other hand majors on activating or freshening up information that is already available in adult`s mind by asking or requesting them to tell or say all they know about given topic. This technique is effective in engaging adult students since the knowledge that one has about a particular issue needs upgrading and thus, the learners are able to gauge what they know about a given topic by comparing what they know and what the teacher teaches at the end of a lesson (Brookfield& Preskill, 1999).
Know - want-learn technique is a technique that undertakes the responsibility of asking the adult students what they know about a given topic, what they want to know concerning the topic and finally what they have learnt in the topic. This approach gives students the capability of trying to recall what they know and, thus, the adult learners are able to involve their mind in remembering what they already know. It also prepares the adult students for information that is about to be disseminated and hence the students knowing what they want to learn, easily grab what is being taught. Asking the students to write down or mention what they have learnt, the tutor or teacher gets feedback on whether what they taught was well understood and the areas that need revisiting are revisited for the purpose of making everyone understand it (Jones& Johnson, 1990)
Formative evaluation is an evaluation method that is used to assess the effectiveness and value of a program or intervention as it progresses. That means that the evaluation occurs when the program in ongoing. The formative evaluation form is used to know if a program needs some improvements or correction. It is mainly done to ensure that the program underway gives the ultimate satisfaction to the implementers of the program.
Formative evaluation assesses every step of the program ensuring that the program is of value to an institution or organization. Formative evaluation gives the instructors or designers an opportunity of watching to see how well the institution`s targets are being accomplished. This evaluation form aids at identifying insufficiencies of a program. Therefore, an institution can formulate appropriate learning interventions to help students or scholars acquire the required skills and knowledge. This evaluation method focuses on producing a result that is worthwhile (Flagg, 1990).
Impact evaluation is a method of evaluation that ev...
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