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Administrative, Policy, and Organizational Issues in Cuyahoga County

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Logic Model Final Components

This week represents the final phase of your program planning activity and you will complete the logicmodel this week. In Phase 5 of PRECEDE-PROCEED, you will consider the administrative, policy, andorganization issues that might influence the manner in which your program is implemented andevaluated. You will also consider these factors to identify those areas that might either challenge orfacilitate your program.This is NOT a separate assignment. This guidance outlines the final components you will add to yourprogram plan and submit it next week in the Final Program Plan.You will see the final area of the logic model highlighted below. Your instructor presented a version ofthe logic model with these new components during this week's lecture.Requirements:I. Fully consider, through research in your county, possible issues in the three assigned administrative and policy conditions, including:

• Policies. Within your county/state, what are the potential policy issues that could both: a)facilitate, and b) challenge the implementation of your program. Identify at least one policyissue for each area (facilitating and challenging), describe that policy and how it eitherfacilitates or challenges your program, and provide, for each, a description of how youwould plan to a) benefit from the facilitating policy and b) strategize to overcome thechallenges associated with the challenging policy.

• Organizational Capacity. You have situated your program within a particular organizationalsetting. Every organization has characteristics that could facilitate and challenge yourprogram. Identify at least one organizational capacity issue that might help to facilitate yourprogram and at least one organizational capacity issue that might challenge your program.For each of these two characteristics, describe them and how they would either facilitate orchallenge your program and how you would plan to a) benefit from the facilitatingcharacteristic and b) overcome the challenging characteristic.

• Partnerships. Who are the other organizations within your county or specific area whowould be necessary as partners in the success of your program? Are there organizations thatmight present a challenge to your program? Describe at least two potential partnerorganizations or entities and describe a plan for how a partnership with them would helpyou during program implementation.Be sure to consider the diversity of organizations as you were required to do in theCHNA infrastructure section.Describe each of the above areas using appropriate subheadings to identify each area. Be sure youaddress each issue listed that is required for each area. Include citations as necessary.

II. Finalize the Logic Model.List the policies in separate boxes in the appropriate section of your logic model.List the organizational capacity issues in separate boxes in the appropriate section ofyour logic model.List the potential partner organizations in separate boxes in the appropriate section ofyour logic model.Be sure to adjust any other area of your logic model that needs improvement.Ensure that it is correctly and professionally formatted and submit the logic model onpage 1 of your submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Logic Model Final Components
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Logic Model Final Components
Logic Model: Administrative and Policy Conditions Healthy eating, tobacco-use cessation, and physical activity policies Discriminatory policies in housing and income Skilled employees, infrastructure, and built environment Resource scarcity Cleveland Department of Public Health, Cuyahoga County Board of Health, Health Improvement Partnership Cuyahoga, Case  Cleveland Department of Public Health and St. Vincent Charity Medical Center Within the state of Ohio, some of the potential policy issues that could facilitate the implementation of my program include healthy eating, tobacco-use cessation, and physical activity policies. State and county policies that encourage whole communities, particularly residents in their middle-age years, to adopt a healthy diet will further the program's goal of reducing cardiovascular disease risk and prevalence rates. Dietary modifications are one of the most critical strategies in lowering cardiovascular disease (Ng et al., 2019). State policies that encourage tobacco-use cessation are also vital to facilitating the implementation of my program. Cessation of smoking can significantly reduce the risks of heart disease or stroke within five years, and therefore, policies advocating the same will advance the program's overall goal (Mozaffarian et al., 2012). At the same time, state policies that encourage physical activity are critical to reducing cardiovascular mortality and risks of developing cardiovascular disease and therefore support the program in achieving its goals (Whatnall et al., 2016). On the other hand, potential policy issues that could impede the implementation of my program include discriminatory policies in housing and income pay. Current racist policies that restrict minority groups to living in areas with high air pollution, an environmental factor in cardiovascular disease prevalence, or policies that confine certain population groups to poverty, thereby limiting their access to health care services or better housing, impede my program (Zabaleta-del-Olmo et al., 2021). I plan to benefit from the advantageous healthy eating, tobacco-use cessation, and physical activity policies by liaising with public health officials in charge of initiating and implementing policies. I will strategize to overcome the challenges associated with the discriminatory housing and income pay policies by working with state and county officials to reduce the adverse effects of structural racism on cardiovascular health equity.  One organizational capacity issue that might help to facilitate my program is skilled employees. The community health center is well equipped...
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