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Addressing Diabetes in Tampa Community

Essay Instructions:

All written assignments require APA format.

In addition, you must also include a title and reference page (not included in the page requirement). A minimum of three (3) references required.

1. Go to the website http://www(dot)flhealthcharts(dot)com/ and follow the instructions below to reach the data needed for this project.

Pick your county on flhealthcharts.com.

Go to the website go under health summaries and click County Health Profile.

Pick the county where your city or town you did your windshield survey on is located

2. Go to the website https://www(dot)healthypeople(dot)gov/.

Click on topics and objectives. Find the corresponding topic related to your identified health problem for your community.

Once you click on the appropriate topic you will then see the Overall national goal for that topic under the over view tab.

The objectives are listed in the objective tab.

3. Describe the overview for your community using the windshield survey assessment. After the windshield overview, synthesize the data and then explore Healthy People 2020 Topics and Objectives and identify a health problem.

Useful data:

o Demographic: race, age, gender, ethnicity

o Household income average, education level

o Vital statistics: number of births, infant deaths, marriages, and deaths (deaths main causes)

o Epidemiologic County Health Profile

o 3 reportable and infectious diseases, 3 Behavioral risk factors, one Health Resource, 3 selected causes of death

o Identify 3 Different Cultures in the community

o Identify 3 Different Religious dimensions in the community

o Identify 3 Community Health Care delivery system/resource

Discuss how some of the above data may play a role in the actual/potential health problem in this community

4. Identify Actual or potential health problem in your community.

Review Healthy People 2020

· List the Healthy People Goal related to your community’s health problem

· List 5 Objectives relating to the health problem

5. Create a plan of action and describe the implementation and how the project provides a service to the community. Pick a topic that is under the your County Health profiles. (Could be diabetes, hepatitis A, food or waterborne illness/disease, vaccine preventable disease, asthma, cholesterol, cancer, obesity, tobacco use, alcohol consumption etc). You must choose a problem that is affecting your community. Choose one objective to focus on when developing your action plan.

Action Plan to address community Health Problem

A. Nursing intervention/s recommended

B. Describe how to implement plan to address problem

C. How will the plan be accomplished, who is the target audience, location, when will the plan be implemented

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Addressing Diabetes in Tampa Community
Student’s Name
Addressing Diabetes in Tampa Community
Overview of Community
Tampa is characterized by beautiful waterways, historic architecture, urban parks, museums, and theme parks. Beaches, golf courses, an international airport, and educational institutions are also part of the Hillsborough’s largest city. Notable educational institutions include the University of Tampa, the University of South Florida, Erwin College, and Eckerd College. The city is generally well-maintained as old buildings appear to have been restored. There are also many parks including Copeland Park, Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park, Perry Harvey Park, and Water Works Park. The population of the town appears to be predominantly white but blacks are also common. One can travel around Tampa through the use of a motorcoach, rental cars, taxi services, and shuttle systems. In regards to religion, it appears that the majority of the community members are Christian Catholics as can be seen from big catholic churches.
The total population of Hillsborough County in 2019 as per the website is 1,445,243 with those under 18 years old being 329,512 and with those aged 65 and above years old being 206,501 in number (Florida Health, n.d.). The white population in the county stands at 1,073,553, blacks at 257,889, and Hispanic at 422,550. The county’s median income is $58,884 while the population of people below the poverty line is 14.6%. This is significantly higher than the Healthy People 2030 target which is 8%. Three reported and infectious diseases in the county are Chlamydia, Hepatitis B, and AIDS. Three behavioral risk factors in the country include low checkup rate, diabetes diagnosis at a younger age (47.3), and alcohol consumption (19%). One heath resource is public health department full-time employees whose number stands at 376, which is not favorable. Three selected causes of death in the country are diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Three identifiable cultures in the Tampa community include White, Black, and Hispanic. The religious dimensions of the community are Christianity 62%, Jewish Religion 2%, and Hinduism 1% (Pew Research Center, n.d.). Three Community Healthcare delivery resources are the Hillsborough County Health Plan, the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, and Tampa Family Health Centers (Tampa Bay Health Collaborative, n.d.). The Hillsborough County Health Plan focuses on providing access to health care for people living below the poverty level. The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay helps individuals with serious life trauma or challenges that may result from domestic violence, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault, among others (Tampa Bay Health Collaborative, n.d.). Tampa Family Health Centers focus on helping people attain their health goals.
Some of the data covered above may play a role in the health problems in the community, and specifically, diabetes. From the data, the county is characterized by 14.6% of people living below the poverty level, low checkup rate, and diabetes diagnosis at a younger age. These factors may contribute to diabetes prevalence in the community. Poverty or low economic status is associated with the prevalence of diabetes (Beckles & Chou, 2016). Furthermore, with a low checkup rate, it is deducible that diabetes is detected at an advanced stage where reversal can be difficult. Furthermore, the diabetes diagnosis at younger age indicates that people in the county suffer more and for a longer period from diabetes compared to people from other counties.
Health Problem in the Community
A potential health problem in the Tampa Community is diabetes. With the high number of people below the poverty line, low checkup rate, and diagnosis at a younger age, diabetes appears to a key health problem in the community. According to Healthy People 2020, the goal is to reduce the diabetes mellitus (DM) burden and raise th...
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