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Addressing Chest Pain, Abdominal Pain, Ovarian Teratomas, and Mental Illness

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, provide short answers for the following (at least 300 words per assignment).

1. When a patient presents to a primary care provider with a complaint of chest pain, there are several possibilities that must be considered. Discuss the first three steps you would complete in assessing a patient with this complaint. Then, discuss at least two differential diagnoses for a patient with chest pain. How would the treatment and intervention course differ for each diagnosis?

2. When a patient presents to a primary care provider with a complaint of abdominal pain, there are several possibilities that must be considered. Discuss the first three steps you would complete in assessing a patient with this complaint. Then, discuss at least two differential diagnoses for a patient with abdominal pain. How would the treatment and intervention course differ for each diagnosis?

3. In an assigned article, you read about ovarian teratomas. This diagnosis, although rare, can cause patients to present with psychiatric symptoms. However, if not discovered, the patient can end up in respiratory arrest and/or cardiac arrest on the psychiatric unit. Think back over your experience to a time when a misdiagnosis may have had serious consequences to a patient. Research the disease and discuss it. What are the clinical manifestations? What are common differential diagnoses? How common is the disease? What are the potential consequences of misdiagnosis? How can misdiagnosis be prevented?

4. unfortunately, mental illness is frequently in the news. Reflect on one recent news item that discusses mental illness. What points did the media correctly identify about the disease? What points did the media miss or discuss correctly? How does media coverage of mental illness add to the stigma of the disease? How does it impact treatment of the disease?

5. Choose one of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages. Think about the approximate ages of patients at each stage and the complete physical assessment for your chosen stage. How will you conduct the assessment? What psychosocial developments do you need to keep in mind? What additional testing and screenings will you need to perform? Discuss two abnormalities found in the age group. Finally, discuss how you have been successful assessing patients in this psychosocial stage. Then, choose a classmate who has discussed a different stage and reply to him or her, discussing the similarities and differences between the stage you choose and the stage he or she choose. How will those similarities and differences impact your assessment?

6. What is a differential diagnosis and how is it linked to the chief complaint? How do we use the differential diagnosis to guide history taking and planning the assessment?

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Short Essays
Question 1
When a patient presents a chest pain complaint, a primary care provider must consider several possibilities. A mere muscle strain or indigestion may cause chest pain, or it could be due to other serious causes. Regardless of the cause, a care provider has to take some important steps in assessing the patient. The first step is obtaining and examining a 12-lead ECG and a rhythm strip as soon as possible to identify early and accurately if the patient has ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) (Curtis et al., 2019). The second step includes measuring the heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. In this step, the care provider also evaluates the patient's neurological status. The care provide does auscultation of the chest and notes abnormal lung, heart, and valve sounds. The third step is ascertaining the patient's social and medical history, current symptoms, and the nature of their discomfort.
There are several differential diagnoses for a patient with chest pain. The cause of chest pain can be acute myocardial infarction, characterized by a sudden onset of pain lasting for over 30 minutes (Curtis et al., 2019). Key characteristics of the pain include aching, pressure, choking, and tightness. The pain is worsened by anxiety and movement and can only be relieved by medication. Another cause of chest pain could be a pulmonary embolism, which occurs when one of the pulmonary arteries has a blockage. It occurs suddenly, and the patient feels crushing pain. It is made worse by breathing and relieved when the patient is not breathing (Curtis et al., 2019). Acute myocardial infarction treatment may require morphine sulfate, oxygen, aspirin, and glyceryl trinitrate, while the intervention for pulmonary embolism includes anticoagulants and clot dissolvers. Acute myocardial infarction may also require beta-blocker therapy.
Question 2
The primary care provider needs to use a systematic approach when assessing a patient with abdominal pain complaints. The first step is inspection, where the care provider observes the patient's face for discomfort, skin color, or diaphoresis (Curtis et al., 2019). The care provider also examines the abdomen for color by determining whether it is molted, pale, or characterized by jaundice. The second step is auscultation, which is done on all four quadrants to determine the pitch, quality, and bowel sound frequency. The third step is percussion, which is also performed on all four quadrants. As noted by Curtis et al. (2019), tympanic sounds may indicate air masses below, while dull sounds can mean the presence of tumors or solid organs.
Abdominal pain could mean several possibilities, and two associated differential treatments are appendicitis and cholecystitis. Appendicitis occurs when the appendiceal opening is obstructed, leading to a reduced blood supply and eventually bacterial infection (Curtis et al., 2019). If it is not treated, the inflammation progresses, making the appendix non-viable. Diagnosis is made by evaluation of clinical signs together with the physical examination. Ultrasound may sometimes indicate an enlarged appendix. For cholecystitis, the cystic duct becomes obstructed due to gallbladder inflammation. It could be because of bacterial invasions, such as Salmonella or Escherichia coli. The diagnostic tests for the condition include FBC, urinalysis creatinine, among others. For appendicitis, surgical intervention is necessary, and specifically laparoscopic surgery. In the event of a delay of treatment, there may be complications such as abscess formation and perforation. For cholecystitis, the patient is administered with IV crystalloid solution and given vomiting and nausea medications. Nasogastric intubation may be done for gastric decompression. Furthermore, if there is suspicion of microbial infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics are given (Curtis et al., 2019). Like appendicitis, a definitive treatment is surgical intervention and specifically laparotomy.
Question 3
I have in the past experienced a case where a misdiagnosis led to serious consequences to a patient. The patient had rheumatoid arthritis (RA) but was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. While it regularly affects other tissues, RA mainly affects the synovial joints (McConnell, 2020). The condition affects between 1% and 2% of adults in the US. Women are twice or thrice as likely to be affected by men's condition (McConnell, 2020). McConnell (2020) noted that the root cause of the diseases is unknown; however, according to evidence, the autoimmune reaction may be triggered by a virus or other agents.
There are several clinical manifestations of RA. They include aching, swelling, weakness or tenderness in joints, muscle and back pain, fatigue, and fever. McConnell (2020) described it starts with small joints, with the most commonly affected ones being the joints where the hand meets the fingers. One may also experience pain and stiffness in the vertebral joints. Apart from joints, blood vessels, the heart, skin, eyes, and lungs may also be affected.
Common differential diagnoses for RA include osteoarthritis, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) [Smith, 2020]. Symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue, and body stiffness cut across these conditions, and as a result, they may be confused with RA. McConnell (2020) noted that early diagnoses of RA are important to prevent damage to joints. This means that the consequences of misdiagnosis can be severe because it prevents early diagnosis of the condition, which is important for slowing down progression. Therefore, misdiagnosis means that the patient experiences more damage to joints.
Furthermore, as mentioned above, it can affect other organs such as the heart, lungs, and skin. To prevent misdiagnosis, it is important to carry out radiography and historical and physical examination (McConnell, 2020). While the radiography findings can be distinctive, McConnell (2020) points out that physical examination and history are extremely important too.
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