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A Telepsychiatric Videoconferencing Session

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A Telepsychiatric Videoconferencing Session

The ideal setting for the visit

The environment where the telepsychiatry videoconferencing session takes place is essential in ensuring the success of the visit. Therefore, it is important to ensure the setting of the visit is done appropriately. Specifically, an ideal setting will constitute a meeting area that upholds the privacy of the patient. It has been noted that each client is entitled to a given level of privacy, throughout the telepsychiatry meeting (Knoedler, 2018. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the setting of visits guarantees the same privacy clients would have received during a physical meeting. In addition, also important to ensure the lighting of the room is good, to ensure the clarity of the video during the meeting (Knoedler, 2018). One of the major things that should be present in the working place during a telepsychiatry videoconferencing meeting is strong internet. In addition, one should have a working computer or table that can help during a telepsychiatry videoconferencing meeting.

How Jarrett should prepare his space

The first thing that he will be required to do is make sure he identifies a space that is private and free of any form of destruction. Second, he must ensure he has a computer, smartphone, laptop, or tablet with a working camera. Next, he should set up his device in a location that allows him to capture a clear video. In addition, he also needs to ensure that the lighting of the room is good. Another important thing he should consider is having a strong internet connection in the space, he plans to undertake the telepsychiatry videoconferencing meeting. In addition, he needs to ensure he has a comfortable seat and writing area, to take some notes during the treatment process.

Obtain Consent

Consent has been noted as one of the most essential medico-legal prerequisites during the treatment of a patient. Specifically, it is a procedure that enables free expression by an individual leading to an informed choice to take part in a treatment process (Gowda et al., 2020). One of the major ways of obtaining consent is by offering patients important information concerning the treatment procedure. Notably, with the important information, the patient is better positioned to choose whether to undertake the treatment or decline. In addition, consent can also be obtained by allowing the patient a humble time to reasonably foresee the implications of the choice they wish to make (Gowda et al., 2020). Specifically, the patient must consent to treatment. Although a healthcare professional may be willing to offer treatment to a patient, this cannot happen without their consent. A family member may also consent to treatment in case, a patient is not in a position to make a reasonable decision.

Additional Requirements Applying to Adolescent Telepsychiatry

Adolescence is noted as a very crucial age in an individual’s life. Therefore, healthcare professionals offering telepsychiatry services to these patients may be required to meet additional requirements compared to others. When dealing with adolescents the health professional may be required to create a rapport with them (Doyen et al., 2018). For example, a physician can begin by knowing what the patient engages in while not in school. In addition, it is required for a physician to inform the patient that is appropriate for them to discuss their health problems virtually (Doyen et al., 2018). Thus, it is important to allow adolescents to express themselves in the language they feel comfortable using. The physician should also focus on creating an environment that motivates the adolescents to use their strengths during the telepsychiatry meeting.

Assessing The Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Jarrett’s Treatment

Social determinants of health can be understood as the personal factors that impact an individual’s well-being and health. In Jarrett’s case, there are several ways through which the impacts of these factors on his treatment plan can be assessed. One of the major factors that impact the health of an individual is access to quality healthcare (Sherrell, 2021). In Jarrett’s case, access to health care may be affected by the availability or unavailability of strong internet. Therefore, this may have an impact on Jarrett’s treatment plan; if the internet is not available it might be difficult for him to attend the telepsychiatry videoconferencing meeting. In social determinant impact on the treatment plan can be determined by understanding the living condition or home environment (Sherrell, 2021). For instance, if Jarret lives in an area where he cannot have a private space to have the telepsychiatry videoconferencing meeting; then the treatment plan will be negatively affected.

Creating a safety plan for Jarrett

One of the major ways I would create a safety plan is by providing Jarrett with guidelines on how he can control his major depressive disorder. Specifically, these guidelines will him respond to different scenarios that might make his health situation worse. I will also develop strategies that will help Jarrett make his surroundings safe and avoid self-harm. I will identify the situations that may trigger his major depressive disorder; to help Jarret control them. It will be important to enlighten him on how to follow his medication plan and ensure he takes all the required medicines. On the other hand, the family members should take an active part in ensuring the success of the safety plan (Marx, 2019). Specifically, family members should spend most of the time with Jarrett; thus, will be better positioned to help adhere to the safety plan. Community health nurses near Jarrett’s home area may also be involved in the safety plan.


Doyen, C., Oreve, M., Desailly, E., Goupil, V., Zarca, K., & L'Hermitte, Y. et al. (2018). Telepsychiatry for Children and Adolescents: A Review of the PROMETTED Project. Telemedicine And E-Health, 24(1), 3-10. https://doi(dot)org/10.1089/tmj.2017.0041 (Links to an external site.)

Gowda, G., Enara, A., Ali, F., Gowda, M., Basavarajappa, C., Kumar, C., & Math, S. (2020). Approach to Informed Consent in Telepsychiatric Service: Indian Perspective. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 42(5_suppl), 16S-22S. https://doi(dot)org/10.1177/0253717620959781 (Links to an external site.)

Knoedler, D. (2018). Telepsychiatry Basics: Setup, Sessions, and Pros and Cons. Psychiatric Times. Retrieved 14 August 2022, from https://www(dot)psychiatrictimes(dot)com/view/telepsychiatry-basics-setup-sessions-and-pros-and-cons (Links to an external site.).

Marx, D. (2019). Patient Safety and the Just Culture. Obstetrics And Gynecology Clinics Of North America, 46(2), 239-245. https://doi(dot)org/10.1016/j.ogc.2019.01.003 (Links to an external site.)

Sherrell, Z. (2021). Social determinants of health: Definition, influence, outcomes. Medicalnewstoday.com. Retrieved 14 August 2022, from https://www(dot)medicalnewstoday(dot)com/articles/social-determinants-of-health#healthcare.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Telepsychiatric Videoconferencing Session
Discussion Response
Great post! You have made great observations concerning telepsychiatric video conferencing sessions. One of the great observations involves privacy. As you have noted, the setting of the session must be such that it ensures utmost privacy for the patient/ client. Evidence has revealed that ensuring the privacy of the patient in clinical sessions significantly boosts positive health outcomes (Hariman et al., 2019). Secondly, you have indicated the importance of ensuring a strong internet connection. It would be inconvenient if the session gets some interruptions due to poor internet connection. A good internet connection is essentially the oil that lubricates the engine of videoconferencing.
Thirdly, your discussion post nicely details the importance of getting consent from the patient. In modern medical practice, a patient has a right to know the details of any pertinent information about a medical session or procedure and approve...
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