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Applying “Evidence-Based Practice”: Liver Disease

Essay Instructions:






Applying “Evidence-Based Practice”

Population groups with differences determined by culture, religion or ethnicity also show differences in terms of illness behavior and beliefs.

Discuss a patient population that are at risk and apply evidence-based practice guidelines in management of their illnesses across the age continuum.




Require: 1 page, APA format 6the edition. 3 references within 3 years. 

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Liver Disease Among Asians
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Liver disease has been a common health problem among the people of southeast Asia. Its rates are higher in those regions as compared to other parts of the world. The disease is attributed to the people's way of life whereby they consume high-fat foods, excessive alcohol, and poor diet. Traditionally, the disease was caused by the chronic infection of hepatitis B and C viruses (Yapali, Talaat, Fontana, Oberhelman & Lok, 2015). Research by the World Health Organization indicates that approximately 350million people in the world have the hepatitis virus and 75percent of them are Asians (Kwak, Kim, Chung, Kim, Kim & Yoon, 2015). In addition, the Asians also contact the disease from the consumption of poorly stored food that has aflatoxins. The traditional methods of food storage in the region do not guarantee food safety.
Therefore, in an attempt to reduce the number of individuals suffering from liver disease, campaigns are being made to teach the populations on the modern ways of food storage. This would reduce the chance of consuming aflatoxin-filled food. As well, they are being taught on the importance of eating a good diet that is free ...
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