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LP 5.2 Writing Assignment Paper About Code of Ethics

Essay Instructions:

LP5.2 Assignment: Code of Ethics
In this assignment, you'll take on the role of a healthcare administrator whose job it is to write a professional code of ethics for your organization. You can select the type of organization you're most familiar with. For example, hospital, clinic, nursing home, or HMO, to name a few as the audience for your policy. Keep in mind that the type of organization you're writing for will affect what you must address in your policy.
Step 1
Begin by reviewing at least three examples of real health care organizations' codes of ethics. You can use some you've already seen in this course's Learning Plans (for example, ACHE's or the Public Health Code of Ethics), or locate a few on your own. Your reference list should include a citation for each example you looked at.
Step 2
Write a professional Code of Ethics for your organization, modeling it on the codes you have reviewed. Include at least 1 element from each example code you looked at. For example, the Public Health Code of Ethics includes a section explaining its development process. Other ethics codes include instructions about what to do if an employee sees a breach of ethics. These are just two examples of elements you might include in your own code.
Include at least 6 ethical guidelines your organization will follow, plus a brief (2-3 sentence) explanation of why you have included each one.
Step 3
Below your Code of Ethics, write an 8-10 sentence paragraph that explains the relationship between a Code of Ethics and moral integrity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Code Of Ethics
Code of Ethics
My organization code of ethics applies to individual professional and the professional community. The code of ethics provides rules of conduct and their application. Laws covered include court orders, any consent agreements signed, and federal, state and local laws. Employing organization is the employer and the and the clients. Misconducts are illegal acts or unethical conduct. The governing bodies of the organization are the decision makers within the organization; these are the board of trustees (Hunt et al., 2014).
1 The obligation to the public
Healthcare workers are expected to comply with laws set by the employing organization. They are expected to demonstrate high ethical standards at all time for the public good (Sinclair et al., 2016).
* Health care providers shall not aid, participate in misconduct, health care providers shall take necessary steps to prevent misconduct by their employing organization (Sinclair et al., 2016).
* Health care providers shall cooperate during investigation and exercise caution on investigations or inquiry concerning their employing organization by following the laid down procedures (Sinclair et al., 2016).
* The duty of compliance goes beyond the professions to include prevention of organizational misconduct. Healthcare workers are expected to follow the right channels when reporting misconduct and have the duty to the public, which should be the priority over the organization (Sinclair et al., 2016).
2 The obligation to the organization
Health care providers should maintain integrity at all times by exercising neutral and balanced judgment (Sinclair et al., 2016).
* Health care providers are expected to show their e...
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