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504-D9-T1 Assignment: PICOT and EBP Implementation Scale

Essay Instructions:

504-u9-dDirection:Complete the EBP Implementation Scale on p. 599 for your PICOT (see 599-PICOT reading material. (1 page, APA format, 6th edition. 3 references)Journal Readings Please retrieve and read the following Journal articles from the Library. Articles can be located through a search in the CINAHL database, OVID database, the Library (links to these are located under the Student Resources in Course Resources) or by using the link at the end of the reference if provided.US Preventive Services Task Force (2008). The guide to clinical preventive services. Rockville, MD: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. http://www(dot)pacificcancer(dot)org/pacp-resources/key-cancer-publications/Guide-to-Clinical-Preventive-Services.pdfWeb ResourcesGrants References• National Institutes of Health. Office of Extramural Research. (2015). Grants and Funding. Retrieved from http://grants(dot)nih(dot)gov/grants/oer.htm• Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2015). Grants. Retrieved from http://www(dot)rwjf(dot)org/en/grants.html#q/maptype/grants/ll/37.91,-96.38/z/4• Health Resources and Services. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). Grants. Retrieved from http://www(dot)hrsa(dot)gov/grants/index.htmlClinical Guidelines and Best Practices• National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nice(dot)org(dot)uk/guidance/cg/index.jsp

Essay Sample Content Preview:

504-D9-T1 PICOT and EBP Implementation Scale
EBP Implementation Scale: Item has applied to you in the past 8 weeks
0 times1-3 times4-5 times6-7 times 8 or more times1.Used evidence to change my clinical practice01
2342.Critically appraised evidence from a research study012343. Generated a PICO question about my clinical practice012344. Informally discussed evidence from a research study with a colleague012345. Collected data on a patient problem012346. Shared evidence from a study or
studies in the form of a report or
presentation to more than 2
colleagues012347. Evaluated the outcomes of a practice
change012348. Shared an EBP guideline with a
colleague012349. Shared evidence from a research study with a patient/family member0123410. Shared evidenced from a research
study with a multi-disciplinary team
member0123411. Read and critically appraised a
clinical research study0123412. Accessed the Cochrane database of systematic reviews0123413. Accessed the National Guidelines
Clearinghouse0123414. Used an EBP guideline or systematic review to change clinical practice where I work0123415. Evaluated a care initiative by
collecting patient outcome data0123416 Shared the outcome data collected
with colleagues0123417. Changed practice based on patient outcome data0123418. Promoted the use of E...
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