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Institute of Medicine’s Six Domains and their Importance to HealthCare

Essay Instructions:

Module 1 - SLP


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) developed a Model for Quality in Healthcare and it is composed of six vital domains:


Cummings, G. G., Reid, C., Estabrooks, C. A., Norton, P. G., Cummings, G. E., Rowe, B. H., … Masaoud, E. (2012). Older persons’ transitions in care (OPTIC): a study protocol. BMC Geriatrics, 12(1):75. doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-12-75

For this assignment, you will pose as the Quality and Accreditation Officer at Trident International Hospital (TIH). You to write a 5 page essay training using the six domains outlined, complete the following:

  • Rank the domains in order of importance, per your assessment of them.
  • Explain your rationale for the ranking.
  • Define and explain the importance of each of the domains.
  • Provide a healthcare quality example for each domain

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your training.

  1. Limit your response to a 5 pages (title and reference page is not included in page number count).
  2. Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, using 2 or 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.
  3. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html
  4.  For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/webresources.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ranking the Institute of Medicine’s Six Domains and their Importance to the HealthCare System
Ranking the Institute of Medicine’s six domains and their importance to the HealthCare system
Today, hospital performance is increasingly essential to patients who want the best healthcare system. As a result, hospitals must continually innovate and integrate principles and statutes that could help them enhance patient outcomes. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) designed six domains that hospitals need to integrate to enhance the quality of care. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the six domains are patient-centeredness, safety, effectiveness, equity, efficiency, and timeliness. The vital six domains are of paramount concern to both the hospital, medical professionals, and the patient. Provided herein is a discussion of the domains, a ranking of the domains, and the importance of each of the domains.
Patient-centeredness is ranked as the most significant. The IOM defines it as care that is respectful of a patient based on needs, preferences, and values, and it entails the notion of ‘nothing about me without me’ (National Academy Press, 2001). The concept of patient-centeredness is derived from the basis of mutuality in healthcare in the case that both the patient and the medical practitioner agree that the patient is the focal point of attention. They work together to achieve the patient’s best possible outcome (Michelle & Ashley, 2013). Under this domain, patients give the final say on the clinical decisions, and medical practitioners must respect them. An apt example is when a patient is admitted and has a legal order, written or oral (do-not-resuscitate order). The attending doctor will have to respect the choice of the patient’s will and follow the order when the patient’s heart stops (to not resuscitate).
Patient-centeredness is important because it improves satisfaction among patients and their families. This improves communication and builds relationships between the patient and the hospital. Moreover, there is a better reputation towards the organization since there is satisfaction from the patient. Another boost to the hospital is the minimized expenses and thus saved costs are used in other areas of the hospital. Patient-centeredness is ranked first because patients form an integral part of the healthcare system. Hence, there needs to be a relationship and respect directed towards them. In addition, the medical fraternity must respect the patient’s choices, needs, diversity, values, and preferences. If a patient has either a written or an orally spoken do-not-resuscitate order, then medical practitioners have to respect their choice no matter the circumstances.
Safety stipulates that avoiding harm to patients from the care that is intended to help them. There is increased attention on improving patient safety by reducing medical errors among hospitals, including diagnostic error, treatment error, nosocomial infection, procedures, and prevention, among many others (Anthony & Murray, 2005). This domain carries much more weight than the ancient Maxim rule that states, ‘do no harm.’
An example of safety as a domain is extubation. When a patient is in the Intensive Care Unit, removing a tube used to help a patient breathe can lead to a complication, which will eventually result in death. There has been an estimation that a significant number of patients in the United States Intensive Care Units alone die from this preventable complication of a procedure that is supposed to keep the patients alive. Accidental extubation is a common practice among the medical discipline, which could result in death. It is, however, a preventable practice that could be avoided. Despite the many years of study, there are no accepted techniques, standardized methods (for example, taping methods, sedation protocols) for tube and patient care to reduce this complication (Anthony & Murray, 2005).
Patient safety is important because it has to prevent and minimize errors and harm that occur to patients during health care provisions. A cornerstone to the discipline is to learn from the errors that do occur and try to reduce and avoid the same mistakes. It is based on a culture of safety that involves organizations (hospitals), health care practitioners, and patients. It is ranked second because, as an organization, the aim is to save as many patients as possible, and if there is an opportunity to do that, then patient safety is of great importance. The fact that it emerges from human error makes it even more important. This is so because i...
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