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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Project Management Healthcare, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

After completing the required background readings, please complete the following:

Imagine you are the Practice Manager of a multi-physician primary care center in Pennsylvania. The four physician-owners have asked you to make a presentation to them on how their group’s profitability could be improved, without having to raise their charges/rates for services. Using Exhibit 8.5 and 8.6 in Dr. Nowicki’s textbook (see required background reading), as well as some research in peer-reviewed sources of your own, write a 5 page essay.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your presentation.



Required Reading

Nowicki, M. (2018). Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations (Vol. Seventh edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press. Part 2; pages 93-179, and pages 198-211. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

View: Taylor, M. (2014). Managerial Accounting: Cost – Volume – Profit and Break-Even.
Available at: https://youtu.be/zMb_IniBbDk


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Project Management Healthcare
Project Management Healthcare
Project management involves continuous planning, organization, and oversight of the work of specific staff aiming to improve the outcomes of a particular task, which in turn aids in achieving organizational goals (Baum & Benjamin, 2017). The management of a program does not revolve around the daily routines of an institution. Thus, it focuses on specific work with predetermined results and particular objectives. Project management is essential in all industrial sectors, including healthcare facilities (Baum & Benjamin, 2017). Program management in healthcare settings revolves around projects that aim at improving the functionality of the medical facility. According to Baum and Benjamin (2017), the healthcare industry's continuous evolution creates the need to develop money-saving strategies that do not compromise quality patient care. As a result, hospital staff and stakeholders have to keep executing programs that improve their patient delivery skills. The healthcare sector organizations' internal and external challenges have to develop techniques that will ensure their long-term projects' sustainability.
Project management is essential in improving profitability without compromising the quality of healthcare (Cobelli, 2020). Program management improves profitability by creating better financial estimates. Inaccurate cost estimates lead to unnecessary spending in any healthcare department (Schultz et al., 2020). If the time estimates are inappropriate, it results in excess expenditure, which is costly. Similar, if the time window for a program is too short, it will be difficult for the organization to understand the estimated budget costs. Any increase in project costs from the original estimates reduces the returns on investment, consequently decreasing the healthcare organization's profit margins. A delay of a program that enhances its competitive advantage will equally delay sales revenue, thus affecting profitability (Schultz et al., 2020). Project management ensures that a specific program targeted towards improving patient care services does not slow; therefore, it does not affect revenue generation (Cobelli, 2020). Besides, project management reduces program costs by ensuring that the price fits within the budget if the program depends on investors' external funding. This way, the organization does not spend additional income on ensuring that the program runs to completion. Their spending could ensure the procedures work correctly as intended by only offering solutions to a few challenges arising during their work.
Program management improves the understanding of the facility's resource capability (Baum & Benjamin, 2017). Planning for resource capability is an essential aspect of any service delivery company. Resource planning capability ensures that the organization can analyze the effects of the projects or services in actual time, allowing business owners to understand and control customer expectations (Doost Mohammadian & Rezaie, 2019). Understanding the clients' expectations allows the organization leaders to improve business profit margins, improve customer care services, and cut unnecessary costs. Thus, resource planning capability provides a clear record of programs' organizational records and delivery techniques, which is an essential tool for overall growth. Besides, understanding the organization's resource capability ensures that the company can project their financial plans, which gives them a chance to plan for future projects. Timely planning ensures that the organization has enough resources to sustain a project for a substantial period (Doost Mohammadian & Rezaie, 2019). Besides, a record of the company's resource capability allows the institution to look for investors if they arise.
Good quality control techniques in project management allow organizations to increase their profit margins (Baum & Benjamin, 2017). Correcting mistakes and errors within an organization is costly and, in most cases, reduces the company's profit margins significantly. Reworking of errors affects the quality of services, impacting customer satisfaction, thus reducing income generation. Lack of quality management means that the organization's team members do not relate to consumer needs, causing inefficient service delivery (Baum & Benjamin, 2017). Inability to understand customer satisfaction needs means that the organization has to bring in a management team to figure out the challenges, thus costing the organization more money. The mismatch between customer expectations and service delivery reduces investment returns significantly (Doost Mohammadian & Rezaie, 2019). Project management ensures that quality is a priority factor before serv...
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