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Financial and Managerial Accounting in Healthcare Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

After reading the required background resources for this Module, compare and contrast financial accounting and managerial accounting. What are the purposes and the critical functions of each? Explain your answer in a 200-word summary, using peer-reviewed sources to support your explanations.

Your posts will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted in the “Before You Begin” section”. Please review this section, as well as the discussion scoring rubric.


Required Reading/Viewing

Nowicki, M. (2018). Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations (Vol. Seventh edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press. Part 1; pages 3-88. Available in the Trident Online Library.

View: Healthcare Finance 101 with Steve Febus, Pullman Regional Hospital Chief Financial Officer: Understanding the Costs of Full Service Healthcare. (2017). https://youtu.be/N-SumPdb2PI


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Financial and Managerial Accounting in Healthcare
Financial and Managerial Accounting in Healthcare
In the healthcare industry, managerial and financial accounting are essential in ensuring that institutions offer affordable and essential quality medical services (Nowicki, 2018 & Hashmi, Amirah, Yusof, 2020). Both financial and cost accountings revolve around economic and business events that occur within the medical facility. Both classes of accounting quantify the outcomes of healthcare services and any other transactions within the institution (Nowicki, 2018). Besides, both financial and managerial accounting deals with organizational records, incomes, expenses, institutional assets, possible risks, and cash flow. The two types of accounting in a medical setting use a similar accounting information system and report analysis approach (Graybeal, Franklin & Cooper, 2018). Both managerial and financial accounting use similar information from the requirements of financial accounting. However, the accounting systems have to work for the two methods, which offers insight that is essential in making overall organizational decisions. Both financial and managerial accounting is critical in measuring and determining costs over a certain period.
Despite the various similarities, there are significant variations between financial and managerial accounting in healthcare (Graybeal, Franklin & Cooper, 2018). The differences revolve around compliance regulations, accounting specifications, and target groups. Managerial accounting is essential in producing information that aids managers in strategic planning, goal setting, and efficient use of organizational resources (Islamiyah, 2017). Financial accounting, on the other hand, offers information to creditors, investors, and healthcare regulators. Financial statements of a medical institution resulting from financial accounting give information on the company’s general performance. Cost accounting uses a healthcare facility’s past performance to come up with business projections; thus, it is essential in making organizational decisions (Islamiyah, 2017). On the other hand, financial accounting uses data statements for a certain period, which helps investors, creditors, and healthcare regulators create personal forecasts.
Legally, reports from cost accounting are only useful within the healthcare organization. The internal use of information from managerial accounting ...
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