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Wikihouse Case Study Engineering Research Paper

Essay Instructions:


The essay is about Wikihouse which is an open source platform for architects/builders to download and build homes, attached will be the instructions.

In the essay brief provided in section C ; Graphic analysis please ignore this section.

Section B ; Themes chosen for this part can be from your choice as i just need a full example essay so i could write my own.

Essay Structure:

A. Context [Recommended length: 200 words]

The essay must focus on a case study precedent of your own choice introduced in the lecture series. The chosen precedent MUST have a SPATIAL aspect to it, i.e. being a building or spatial intervention. Your essay must introduce:

  1. 1-  Context of the precedent (e.g. geographic, economic, cultural, technological, social, etc.), including a short description of the building.
  2. 2-  The design philosophy underpinning the work of the architect’s practice / designer; this could be done by introducing key aims, influences, connections and/or situating the practice within a particular academic or architectural debate.

B. Exploration of Themes [Recommended length: 800 words]

Themes related to the chosen architect’s practice / designer will be explored through the analysis of the case study precedent. In particular your essay must cover:

  1. 1-  What themes can you explore through your case study (e.g. sustainability, self- build, concrete tectonics, computer aided-manufacturing, etc.)?
  2. 2-  Background information of your case study (e.g. location, site, brief, physical constraints, etc.)
  3. 3-  What role does the material / structure / construction process play in the spatial organisation of the case study precedent?

This section should be illustrated with photos / images related to the spatial organisation as well as aspects of the construction/technical resolution/materiality.

C. Graphic Analysis [Recommended length: 300 words including annotation of drawings]
This section comprises a series of hand-drawn architectural drawings/diagrams that articulate/underpin the themes you are exploring. These include:

  1. 1-  Relationship of Building to Context (site plan)
  2. 2-  Key floorplan
  3. 3-  Key section
  4. 4-  Structure (in particular relationship of space to structure)
  5. 5-  Massing (volume that characterise the building, usually section/elevation


  1. 6-  Key construction detail(s) illustrating the theme(s) explored

D. Reflective Summary [Recommended length: 200 words]

This section comprises a:

  1. 1-  Summary of key themes that have been identified in your analysis.
  2. 2-  Personal reflection as to what has drawn you to explore a particular practice - this

could be in relation to past knowledge/experience or in terms of design interest that you would like to explore in your forthcoming design project(s).



1,500 words in total, + or – 10% (excluding reference/bibliography section)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Wikihouse Case Study
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
January 9, 2019
Over the years, engineers and architects have sought out to build moe efficient homes that are energy and resource efficient. These new conventional designs have revolutionized the way that people live, from that of a traditional brick and mortar house, to those which focus on sustainability, with the help of new tools and technologies. One example of this new innovative design is the Microhouse. Just as the name implies, the Microhouse is small in size since it is designed to only have a single bedroom. It is also modular so any additional need and capabilities of the owners could just be added into an existing microhouse, with great efficiency. This design is the reason why the Microhouse prides itself with high-efficiency both in terms of building, designing, and living. To further understand the importance of these design, the next section would discuss about the features of this design. It would include both an analysis of the context why it was built as well as a graphical analysis of the structure. All in all, the author believes that Microhouses would help solve or alleviate the problems of lack of housing in the urban areas.
Socio-Political and Economic Background
It is said that this day, the average population density in metropolitan areas is already at 27,000 people per square miles CITATION Uni17 \l 1033 (University of Michigan - Center for Sustainable Systems, 2017). This is much higher as compared to the ideal population density which is 500-600 individuals per square mile. This is not even considering that these numbers are much higher in less developed countries, which makes the provision of basic services more difficult for them. Take for example, one of the most common necessities that are lacking due to overpopulation within the cities – housing. In order to find better opportunities, millions of people flock within the cities, and establish their own homes within it. However, due to the high-cost of living and density of the population, most ends up being homeless or ‘squatting’ on spaces that they do not own CITATION Ars16 \l 1033 (Arslan, Durmus, Hirka, & Duman, 2016). Since squatting has been a major problem in almost every city around the world, a new and innovative solution such as micro houses that deals with the high-price of real estate and lack of spaces for living, would help alleviate these problems.
As stated earlier, the Microhouse features a single-bedroom structure that is highly-efficient. On the one hand, this efficiency could be seen in the building process. Before the turn of the century, houses are either built with stones, concrete, or any other heavy materials. This is to ensure that the structures built are strong enough to withstand weather conditions and to provide security for its residents CITATION Heg17 \l 1033 (Hegger, Drexler, & Zeumer, 2017). In turn, using lightweight materials increases the residents’ risks towards these vulnerabilities, at the expense of lower building costs. This is not yet taking into account the amount of land area needed to build single- or two-storey structures, which is yet another problem. On the other hand, the microhouse’s efficiency could be seen in terms of the living conditions that the resident would experience. Since these houses are lightweight and modular, the residents could live in comfort based on their own needs, without needing to use too much resources. This decreases the overall carbon footprint for the construction and building, while also adapting to the lifestyle of those living within it. Lastly, the microhouse could also be transported easily, which makes relocating much faster.
Exploration of Themes
As stated earlier, the microhouse is dedicated to alleviate common urban problems such as overpopulation and depletion of resources. In line with this, some of the themes that have provided inspiration for its design includes sustainability, self-build, and portability. These three would be discussed in greater detail in the succeeding sections.
According to BuildAbroad.Org, sustainable architecture is one that addresses the “negative environmental and social impacts of buildings by utilizing design methods, materials, energy and development spaces that aren't detrimental to the surrounding ecosystem or communities”. In other words, this takes into account both the short-term and long-term consequences of building these infrastructures. In lin...
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