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Who Pays For Damages if Autonomous Self-Driving Cars Are Involved?

Essay Instructions:

A three-page essay in response to a discussion question in Group28_Selfdrivingcar.pdf. The essay should have an introduction, 3 arguments, and a conclusion. At least one of the three arguments should construct using Deontology or Utilitarianism.


CPST3030 Response Paper Assignment


In this assignment, students will write a three-page essay in response to a discussion question posed by their classmates.

Assignment Overview

Project groups are categorized into two Blocks: Block A (Project Groups 1-20) and Block B (Project Groups 21-42).

All Project groups will submit a list of discussion questions, with supporting readings, and these documents will be made available to the class. Each student will select a discussion question and prepare a three-page paper answering it.

Students will select a paper from a particular block, depending on the block their Project Group is in:  Students in Block A must respond to a question from Block B.  Students in Block B must respond to a question from Block A.

Response Paper Guidelines

Response papers should be no longer than three pages, follow proper ABC format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion), and present a clear thesis in response to the chosen discussion question.

Response papers should construct their arguments using at least one of the frameworks for ethical reasoning that we’ve discussed in class.

In addition to presenting the strongest argument for their thesis, response papers must acknowledge and respond to at least one valid counter-argument.

Response papers must draw on secondary sources to provide evidence for their claims. These sources can come from the recommended reading list, but do not have to.

Each paper must contain an APA-formatted reference list. This list should appear on a separate page at the end of the paper and does not count towards the page-limit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Who Pays For Damages if Autonomous Self-Driving Cars Are involved in Accidents
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Who Pays For Damages if Autonomous Self-Driving Cars Are involved in Accidents
In contemporary society, driving is quintessential and improves people's mobility. Currently, having a car is necessary since individuals need to go to work, shop, school, and visit places of interest. For an extended period since the invention of cars, humans have been used to driving themselves. Specifically, driving relies on human autonomy, which explains the controversy toward self-driving vehicles. However, car accidents are inevitable since even human drivers make poor decisions that lead to collisions. If human autonomy is removed, which is the case with autonomous self-driving cars, questions arise about who pays for the damage of vehicles when accidents happen. The paper focuses on who pays for the damage of autonomous self-driving cars in an accident. Should the insurance company, the driver, or the firm that created the software that malfunctioned be liable for the collision?
In particular, to answer who should pay for the damage of autonomous self-driving cars, a person should consider how the accident occurred. Insurance firms should provide two types of insurance for autonomous vehicles. If an accident occurs when the car is operating without a human driver due to a software malfunction, the manufacturer should be liable for the damages incurred (Bogart, 2017). In that light, the insurance company should look for the manufacturer to cover the damages. However, if an accident takes place when the autonomous car has a human driver behind the steering wheel, the driver should pay for the damages. If that happens, the insurance company can pay based on the type of insurance cover held by the car owner. As a result, determining who pays for the damage of autonomous cars depends on who was controlling the vehicle between the software and human driver.
Although autonomous self-driving vehicles are meant to improve safety, it does not mean that they will not be involved in road accidents. In April 2021, a Tesla car crashed near Houston and killed two occupants. Many individuals were faster to judge and said that Tesla's self-driving technology was ineffective. However, Elon Musk, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Tesla Company, said that the "Autopilot" feature was not enabled (Sagalow, 2021). Notably, Musk made it clear that even if the "Autopilot" feature was enabled, Tesla cars are not completely autonomous, meaning that they need active driver supervision. Based on utilitarianism morality theory, actions that promote good to the largest number of individuals should be supported. On that note, I would say that manufacturers of autonomous self-driving cars should be liable for the damage when accidents occur. Even when the driver is behind the steering wheel, the vehicle uses technologies to guide the person. As such, an accident might occur, especially if the...
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