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Potential of Network Energy Saving Through Handover in HetNets

Essay Instructions:

The reports should be at most 4-5 pages

long. Write a report to analyze this article “Potential of Network Energy Saving Through Handover in HetNets”.

The report should not repeat the article verbatim. You should present the results, ideas, and

concepts in your own words. The report should include a brief summary of the paper, the key concept

in the article, and mainly your own work, i.e., the critique of the paper (weaknesses/strenghts),

your own simulations and numerical results, suggestions for improvements (and any novel analytical

results if obtained). More details about the project report are provided below.

Report Format

Title: Selected Paper's Title

1. Introduction: First include the bibliographic information of the paper (e.g., journal name, month,

year). Briefly describe the problem the paper is considering.

2. Main Contributions: Briefly describe what approach the authors follow to solve the problem, and

their main results and contributions to the area. You can explain if the authors propose new

wireless transmission/reception strategies or optimal schemes or if they conduct a performance

analysis, and describe what you understand from such results. Are these intuitively appealing?

Have you expected to see such results? Do the authors have improvements over previous work in

the area?


3. Numerical/Simulation Results: Include your own numerical results. You can try to replicate 2-3

figures from the paper. Have you obtained the same results? Are there discrepancies between your

results and the ones in the paper? If so, what might be the reasons for that? Are there certain

tradeoffs between design parameters? if so, what are they? Have you tried different values of the

parameters to generate new figures? What have you discovered with these?

4. Strengths/Weaknesses: Critique the paper. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the paper?

Do the main assumptions of the paper make sense? Are they applicable in practice? What are the

shortcomings of the paper? Do you have any ideas/suggestions regarding how to improve or extend

the results?

5. Conclusion: Provide your conclusions about your work and results, the work that is done in the

paper, and your understanding.

6. Appendix: Include the copies of your codes you have used to generate the numerical results. (Please

copy and paste these codes on the report. Please do not provide additional files.)

The first five sections can be 4-5 pages. Appendix is additional.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Potential of Energy Saving Through Handover in HetNets NameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Song Yujae, Kong Peng-Yong & Han Youngman (2016). Potential of Network Energy Saving Through Handover in HetNets. IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, VOL. 65, NO. 12, December 2016.
The authors have identified the problem by stating that despite the fact that the heterogeneous networks (HetNets) deploy small base stations (BSs) together with traditional macro BSs having a lot of advantages, these advantages are outweighed especially when large-scale deployments of small BS's is done. This is because it leads to increase in energy consumption by the HetNets which directly results in increased carbon emissions which lead to global warming. This calls for usage of Energy Efficiency (EE) options in the utilization of HetNets. The BSs consume almost 70 % of the total energy for mobile operators and therefore achieving EE will not only aid in reducing carbon emission s but also increase the profit margin for the investors in mobile telecommunications.
The authors have proposed a strategy of minimizing redundant Handovers (HOs) without compromising the mobile terminal’s (MT) quality of service. The strategy considers energy consumption generated at the BSs during the HO execution phase under an expectation on the stochastic behavior of HO parameters in making an HO decision. This approach takes two basic considerations which include the energy consumption during HO execution and the stochastic behavior of the HO parameters. A large-scale small-BS deployment can substantially increase the energy consumption of HetNets
There are some advantages that are associated with the deployment small BSs of Hetnets with the traditional macro BSs. Firstly, the coverage holes are filled as they increase the capacity of the system. Essentially when deploying small BSs in large scale it increases energy consumption by the HetNets. With this increased energy consumption it consequently results to increased emission of carbon which is major component in the global warming. Therefore achieving Energy Efficiency in the HetNets will result to great reductions of carbon emission which will reduce contribution to the global warming resulting to a health environment. Besides, 70% of the energy bill by the majority of these mobile operators is accounted for by the energy utilized by the BSs. Therefore, achieving energy efficiency will also aid the company make more profit through reduced energy bill.
In the deployment of large quantities of small BSs can be effectively done through the minimization of repetitive Hos in the overlapping regions without tampering with the quality of service provision. The strategy that is proposed in the paper considers the amount of energy consumption at BSs when the HO execution is taking place with an expectation of the stochastic behavior of HO which will aid in making HO decision. The basic two properties in this combination are the amount of energy that is consumed during the HO process and the stochastic behavior of the HO parameters. This approach forms a basic principle such that the HO can only take place when the total energy saving in the HO is bigger than the amount of energy that is utilized at the BSs when the HO takes place. In this regard the Ho cannot take place in an overlapping manner as the energy shall be saved; consequently leads to network energy save. Markov decisions process has been adopted to help confirm the validity of the proposed strategy with the objective of minimizing energy consumption.
Numerical/ Simulation Results
As a way of evaluating the performance study, simulations were done by considering the HetNets where an MT is located within the area that is covered by the two BSs that belong to a different type of network that can be able to access both BSs during the lifetime of a traffic flow. The simulation environment is sufficient in achieving the EE and BSs in HetNets and it can be extended to a complex strategy.
The nominal values that are used in the numerical calculation are set as follows: b=500 000 symbols, W =10 MHz, P1=10 W, P2 =5 W, P1,c = P2,c = 2 W, P1,Δ = P2,Δ = 1 W, Δ = 1 s, Gnser,a =0.5 s, q1 ∈ {0, 6, 10, 14, ∞} dB, q2 ∈ {0, 6, 8, 12,
You use the above values to compare the performance of one of an EE-based HO policy that is achieved through the optimal solution of the problem against the SINR-based HO, Rate-based HO and NO-HO policies in the proposed framework. The results will show that at each of the HO epoch, SINR-based HO compares the SINR of the serving BS against other candidates. On the other side, the Rate-based HO policy compares the achievable data rate of the serving BS against the others for HO decision.
The obtained results show that regardless of the traffic classes, the EE-based HO policy gives the lowest expected total energy consumption that is considered at the HO energy levels consumption. The performance improvement can also be achieved by reducing the unnecessary HOs from the perspective of EE that is shown. The total HOS under the EE-based HO policy is less than or equal to the other policies that are found at every HO energy consumption level. As an example that can be used to understand the unnecessary HOS from the perspective of EE, although the achievable data rate or the SINR value of the serving BS is lower than that of candidate BSs, then maintaining the serving BS could be good.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The paper has assessed a very genuine and serious problem that affects several mobile operators. The two combinatorial approach employed by the researchers serves to minimize the energy consumption reduces the operational costs of the operators. Notably, the authors have done a thorough research into the topic as they have indicated and referenced to several previously published articles under the topic. Secondly, the presentation of the paper is very logical and flows in a smooth manner. Reading through it one can easily conceive the ideas of the paper in a seamlessly easier and simple manner. Also, the utilization of graphs, tables and charts have presented every good analysis of the paper. The tables, graphs and formulas make it easy to read and follow t...
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