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Week ten revisit reflection. Education Essay. Story about a black woman who was treated unfairly.

Essay Instructions:

in the essay, you need write in the seminar, we talked a story about a black woman who was treated unfairly and fought for her rights, then find some point which is base on the articles I give you, those points can help the children get the rights. Then you need write as an early childhood educator, how can we help children get their right.


Di Santo, A., & Robichaud, B. (in press). Children’s rights: Raising awareness amongst professionals working with and for children. In S. Jagger (Ed.), History and Philosophy of Early Years Education and Care: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

United Nations Human Rights. (1989/1990). Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ohchr(dot)org/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/crc.pdf


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week Ten – Revisit Reflection
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April 9, 2019
Being a good-educator does not only mean, being able to teach children about the technical skills and moral values that will help them develop holistically. Instead, an early educator must also help the child learn about how to protect his right, by first guiding them on how to recognize it. In today’s world, one of the problems is that many children get abused. What is more saddening is the fact that plenty of these abuses are even perpetrated by those people who are in their immediate environment. Thus, as educators, I realized how important it is for us to know the nature of such abuses and to act accordingly within the bounds of the rules prescribed by the law.
In order to address these abuses, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) had been created. Its primary purpose is to set a guideline for States on how to protect the rights of children, who are within their jurisdiction. Generally, the CRC has noted that a child is any person who has not attained the age of 18 yet. Although this is not binding upon the member States, for each could have a different definition of the ‘minority,’ it helped lawmakers to see the guiding principles behind the laws created by most nations. Its provisions specifically state that “Every state shall secure the rights of the children in their jurisdiction, irrespective of their guardian’s race, etc.”, Which shows the prime importance given to protecting the children. Aside from the definition o...
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