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Transition Services for Children with Disabilities

Essay Instructions:

For my class, 'Introduction to the Education of the Exceptional Child', we are asked the following..
"Why are transition services necessary? When should they start? Describe one transition service in depth."
For a little background on this class here's from the courses syllabus..
"This course is an introduction into the world of exceptional student learners from the identification and referral phase, through the testing procedure to the classification process. Students will be informed about an overview of the various classifications categories of exceptionality, evidence-based programs, and best teaching practices designed to assist exceptional student learners. Topics will include the nature of identified learning disabilities, the legislation concerned with exceptional individuals, the role of parent organizations, diagnosis of education and the types of programs available for early intervention, preschool, the K-12 population and programs for adults with disabilities."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Transition Services
Students name
Transition services entail a set of well-coordinated activities provided to children with disability to improve their academic and functional achievements. Besides, transition services in disabled children facilitate their movement from school to post-school activities. Included are postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment, adult education, adult services, and community participation. Within the Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 04) guidelines, transition services should be made available once the student turns 16 (Lipkin et al., 2015). However, the planning and discussion of these services need to be started before the student turns 16 years. However, in another scenario, the transition services might begin earlier, before the age of 16, if it is determined and considered necessary by the IEP team.
Transition services are considered necessary for a variety of reasons. When transition services are made available by knowledgeable educators and community resources, there is a high chance that they can be modeled towards achieving students' goals, alongside providing them with options and plans concerning their future. Besides, transition services offer hope for the future, especially for children having learning disabilities. Notwithstanding, it is basic knowledge that all students require exceptional guidance when transitioning from high school to other steps. However, students with disabilities in their learning need much more help since their leap is considered more significant. Therefore, transition services for disabled children work to ensure that they pursue an everyday functioning life in their adulthood and go beyond secondary education. Generally, transition services, in this case, ensure that disabled students are provi...
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