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The Language Elements

Essay Instructions:

The most effective strategies, approaches, and methods for teaching ELLs are supported by language acquisition theories. English language acquisition can be promoted by understanding language as an interconnected system and by integrating the discourse and rhetorical structures of ELLs within instruction.
For this assignment, you will devise a language game or communication activity that is informed by language acquisition theory and integrates listening, speaking, reading, and writing for a grade level within grades K-12.
For your chosen grade level, select a standard from the Arizona English Language Arts (ELA) and a corresponding standard from the Arizona English Language Proficiency (ELP) to be included within this game or activity. Create at least one learning objective for your game or activity that is aligned with your chosen ELA and ELP standards.
Within a 550 word submission, include the following:
The ELA and ELP standards as well as the learning objective(s) to be addressed within your game or activity
A complete explanation of the game or activity and how it would be carried out in an educational setting
A list of the materials needed for your game or activity
A brief description of at least one language acquisition theory and how it informed the design of your game or activity
A brief definition of phonetics, phonology, morphology, lexicon, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. Additionally, include a description of how each of these elements relate to the verbal and written exercises within your game or activity.
Support your submission with at least three scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Language Elements
Student’s name
Institutional affiliation
Course code and name
Instructor’s name
Language elements
The standards of EPL and ELA incorporated in the play are listening and speaking through the delivery of the oral presentation. The learning objective to be incorporated into the game are the comprehension of oral communications.
The communication activity that would be involved in this exercise is the performance of a prepared skit. The skit would last ten minutes and would include twelve students. Each of these students would have a role to play, and the skit would be practiced before the actual presentation. The presentation would facilitate effective communication to ensure that the students do not forget their lines in the middle of the play. The rest of the students would watch and learn the various communication skills as they play being presented. The skit would be about a cultural practice from a well-known culture by the students. This would make it easy for the students to understand the communication activity because it would involve a familiar concept.
The materials needed to complete this communication activity would be traditional dance attires and drums from the chosen culture. The learners would also use paints to apply on their faces and arms to enhance the visual communication expressed by the short skit. Curtains would also be necessary for the creation of a stage at the front of the classroom.
The interactionist theory of learning supported the formulation of the communication activity. According to this theory, children learn language due to their desire to communicate with the people around them. The theory is considered a sociocultural theory that shows how the desire to communicate can facilitate language acquisition. The play is an example of communication activities that trigger the desire to communicate with other people. As the students perform the play, they would be motivated to communicate with one another...
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