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Technology to Support Math Instruction

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In special education, the use of technology is a necessity in every classroom. Such technology can take the form of digital resources (high tech) or other non-digital tools (low-tech). Teachers must take the time to be comfortable with the use of both types of technology in their lessons and instruction. While it does not replace quality instruction from the teacher, technology can enhance concepts and make the curriculum more accessible for the students.

Select either an elementary or secondary school context and create an 8-10 slide digital professional development presentation for school staff about high tech and low-tech tools that can be used to enhance math instruction and assessments for students with disabilities. Technology tools should also be useful when teaching Arizona or another state’s standards from the Geometry domain and can include apps, videos, websites, etc. The technology selected should be developmentally appropriate for the school level selected..

The presentation should include the following:

A detailed description of each technology tool

An explanation of how each technology tool is useful for teaching to the geometry standards with specific examples

An explanation of how each technology tool can be used to differentiate instruction and assessments for students with disabilities

Presenter’s notes, title slide, and reference slide

Support your presentation with 1-2 scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, sold academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Technology to Support Math Instruction
One of the high-tech tools ideal for teaching mathematics is content-specific websites. These are websites designed by teachers to teach a certain mathematical concept. The websites contain homework, quiz, and other activities that students must complete to understand the concept. These websites are not only interesting for students but also contain nice videos and animations that help to teach (Kaczorowski, Hashey & Di Cesare, 2019). They also consist of other manipulatives to stimulate a student's comprehension capacity.
An example of a low-tech tool is a blackboard. Blackboards are used to display the content of a lesson. The method is perfect for elementary school because they allow students to share thoughts with one another. Blackboards are perfect for the classroom because they allow students to add finer details to their knowledge. They also allow students to put extra effort into their assignments and will motivate them when studying. The educator or students write geometry content on the blackboard and rub it once the students have understood the concept.
Mathematics websites are ideal for teaching geometry standards because they allow students to practice and perfect their knowledge in a historical context. These websites deal with geometry concepts such as slope, distance, right angle, and parallel lines. They also include things such as the geography of Euclid's time in an attempt to show how geometry was thought of back then. They are also ideal for allowing the students to develop their problem-solving skills by creating geometry problems out of a given picture or model (Kaczorowski, Hashey & Di Cesare, 2019). When looking at the websites, some students may better understand the actual relationship between sides and angles in different geometric figures. Defining the four main trigonometric ratios is easier using resources and manipulatives such as those found on content-specific websites. These websites contain activities geared towards building a student's understanding and visualizing these concepts. Such can allow teachers to build on foundations, making teaching easier.
Blackboards are ideal for teaching geometry standards because it is a hands-on approach for the students to learn. They allow groups of students to work on similar geometry problems at the same time, thus facilitating collaborative learning. They can work together and develop ideas and solutions, enhancing the learning experiences and helping students who might be struggling with learning or understanding. Such is important because it allows everybody to learn from everybody else's opinions. They also allow the students to be motivated because they can learn directly from the blackboard rather than from a textbook or an educator. Blackboards allow students to keep learning, even when their teacher isn't there, because it allows them to work on the lesson later and practice. An example of geometry standards covered using blackboards is finding the area under a parallel line using rectangles and given points. When using blackboards, teachers should ensure enough space for the students to create their own drawings. Blackboards are also ideal for teaching geometry standards because they are ideal for diagramming geometric figures. Diagrams can help students recognize different shapes and, therefore, will be able to identify them on their tests, assignments, and in real-life settings. They also allow students to practice creating different geometric shapes, which will help them understand the concept of geometry.
Websites can be used in various ways to differentiate assessments and instructions for st...
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