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Technologies That Can Be Used to Improve Learning Within a Special Education Environment

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Special education has changed significantly over the past 100 years. Technology has enabled many of the innovations and changes and can be a great tool to promote learning in the classroom and throughout school districts.
Review the ISTE Standards for Educators. Create a 10-12 slide digital presentation for your colleagues depicting technology in special education. Your presentation should include:
Examples of technologies that improve student learning within a special education environment.
Examples of technologies that could be used collaboratively within a special education environment.
Considerations regarding student access to and use of technology for learning.
Include a title page, presenter’s notes, and a reference slide.
Support your position with 3-5 sources from the required readings or the GCU Library.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technology in Special Education
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Technology in Special Education
Technology is significant in facilitating student learning within a special education environment. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards offer competencies for teaching, leading, and learning in the digital era. Educators are expected to use technology to improve student learning by exploring promising and proven practices. They should inspire learners to contribute to the digital world positively. Educators are also expected to design authentic and learner-driven activities that identify and accommodate students’ variability (ISTE.org, 2022). The paper focuses on the technologies that can be used to improve student learning within a special education environment.
Examples of Technologies that Can Improve Student Learning Within a Special Education Environment
There exist various technologies that can be used to improve student learning within the special education environment. In particular, assistive technology helps students with disabilities by enabling them to minimize their weaknesses and capitalize on their strengths. First, talking calculators are beneficial in special education. They help students who struggle in mathematics since they can perform calculations easily and read numbers without challenges. The primary objective of technology-supported special education is to ensure that students can benefit maximally in the learning environment (Cheng & Lai, 2020). Second, electronic worksheets are crucial within the special education environment. Students who have learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, can use this technology to handle their assignments and convert text into speech when the need arises. Moreover, variable speed recorders are effective for learners who struggle with auditory lectures. These students can use the technology to record their lectures and adjust the speed and pitch so that they can understand taught concepts better.
Technologies that Can Be Used Collaboratively
Depending on students’ disabilities, namely autism spectrum disorder (ASD), dyslexia, hearing impairment, language delay, and visual impairment, some technologies can be used collaboratively to facilitate learning (Baykal, Mechelen, & Eriksson, 2020). For instance, educators can use talking calculators and electronic worksheets for learners with ASD. The calculator helps the students to read and master numbers,...
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