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Students Need To Wear Uniform Education Research Paper

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Today, many primary and secondary schools in the United States – both public and private – require school uniforms. Some believe it allows students to focus on learning, while others think it prevents students from expressing themselves as individuals. Do you think schools should require uniforms? Explain?

word format,body needs to decide into three part, thesis and conclusion。Every body needs to have two idea,every idea needs to be detail. No grammar mistakes, improve the topic.

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Students Need to Wear Uniform
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Students Need to Wear Uniform
It is a requirement in many primary and secondary schools not just in the US that students wear uniforms. This applies to both private and public schools. The proponents of wearing school uniforms argue that it promotes learning and a sense of community while opponents have it that the practice is expensive and prevents students from self-expression. While there are some positives to the practice of wearing uniforms by students, there are also some drawbacks that have to be considered. This paper recognizes that there are shortcomings to wearing uniforms requirement; however, the benefits are more. Therefore, schools should require uniforms because they promote learning, which is their primary objective.
A major argument for uniforms in schools is that it helps students perform better academically (Delaney, 2008). This has been the argument by educators. It is their belief that the performance of students is increased because uniforms allow them to concentrate on what is important in school. As such, they do not have to focus on their wardrobe, and the attention instead is on school work. In addition, it is their argument that students who are consumed with what they have to wear are not as focused when it comes to school work (Delaney, 2008). Through uniforms, a serious tone is developed in the school environment that enables students to concentrate on their work. When students wear uniforms they act appropriately, they not only focus on their studies, but they also possess a sense of discipline in school. Also, the academic performance of students may be improved since they do not spend a lot of time preparing their clothes in the morning. According to Delaney (2008), uniform policies are also adopted because of the belief that they improve attendance. A deeper dig into research studies yields a conflicting result in regards to whether uniforms improve the performance of students in schools. According to a study by Yeung (2009), there is no significant relationship between uniforms and performance of students. The author, however, takes a neutral stand on the uniform argument. Another study by Brunsma & Rockquemore (1998) found that uniforms affect the performance of students negatively. In addition, the research found out that uniforms did not have any direct impact on attendance, behavioral problems, or substance abuse. Such findings significantly affect the beliefs of school administrators in regards to school uniforms. Given that the study also shows no impact of school uniforms on discipline, the arguments of proponents of the practice are discredited to a great extent. However, a more recent study by Bodine (2003) found a positive connection between school uniforms and the performance of students. As seen, studies differ on whether the performance of students is improved as a result of wearing uniforms. However, it is still arguable that students are able to focus more on their studies when they do not have to worry about what they wear. Therefore, this increased concentration can impact their performance positively.
Through wearing of school uniforms, a sense of community is created among the students. Students come from different socioeconomic backgrounds and the practice of wearing uniforms puts them on a level ground to learn. As such, uniforms play an instrumental role in reducing the socioeconomic disparity among the students. In this regard, those students who come from wealthy families are not able ...
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