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Student Self-Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool in Humanities Unit

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description
Monitoring student progress throughout a unit is vital. Secondary students are more than capable of monitoring their own knowledge and skill development. A self-monitoring tool provides them with clear expectations for the learning outcomes of each day. By self-monitoring, students reflect on their own learning which increases investment and accountability.
Create a tool students will use to monitor their daily progress in your humanities unit. Use the “Sample Student Self Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool” template to complete this assignment.
Part 1: Self-Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool
Include the following in the "Self-Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool":
Questions that are aligned with the learning objectives, and correlate to the knowledge and skills for each day of the unit plan
Range of mastery for students to evaluate their level of attainment of the objective, knowledge, and skills (similar to the range in a rubric)
Summative question or writing prompt requiring students to express understanding and/or application of the day’s learning.
Part 2: Reflection
In 150-250 words, reflect on progress monitoring and the tool you created.
Include the following in your reflection:
Rationale for your design choice. Discuss how the tool will help students monitor their own progress.
Explanation of how the tool will be implemented and evaluated.
Discussion of the importance and purpose of students monitoring their own progress.
Explanation of how you would use progress monitoring to inform instruction in your future professional practice.
Add your reflection to the bottom of the "Self-Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool."
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Self Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Name
Student Self Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool
Day of Unit/Questions

Not at all or

Somewhat or

Mostly or

Thoroughly or

Day 1: Lesson Title
Example: Philosophy and Politics

Questions aligned to learning objectives
Example; Did I follow an effective way of answering the questions? For instance, while the question is being asked, did I put off making an answer? To improve my capacity to react effectively, did I meet my listener's needs, establish the perceptions of confidence and concern for the listener and their inquiry, listen and hear the complete question? How can I respond directly while also posing a decent question? Is it possible for me to concentrate on the learning objective and display the requisite skill during assessments?

What did I learn, and how well can I use it? Did attitudes shift, and if so, how? What talents did I learn or improve?

Am I capable of employing trans-disciplinary knowledge and connecting multiple viewpoints to discover creative solutions to local and global community concerns for the public benefit?

Do I have the ability to seek career and life goals, demonstrating proof of cognitive and practical skill acquisition and integration through integrative learning and relevant issue-based research?
Can I demonstrate comprehension of my viewpoint and other differing perspectives across socially constructed, historical, linguistic, and other distinctions or shortfalls in chance?

By demonstrating an equity perspective and implementing core elements of social and social justice gained through academic, co-curricular, and society-based learning, am I capable of helping develop ethically equitable, resilient, and equitable societies?

Range of mastery
Have I shown the right process of outlining my level of mastery? (That is, was I aware of aspects including, what precisely will I do? Did I describe how this might operate for the particular learning aim? If I am addressing difficulties, what kinds of issues am I handling, and how am I addressing them? If I am delivering a talk, what kind of demonstration am I giving, where am I giving it, how long will it last, and so on? I can illustrate mastery in various ways as long as each one is equally legitimate and acceptable.

Do I have the competency to exhibit a devotion to cooperation, life-long education, and good citizenship by applying professional skills and intellectual competencies through mutual studying in internal or external community-based contexts?

Am I in a position to participate in community and civic engagement, displaying a feeling of obligation and a commitment to developing courteous and mutually advantageous cross-cultural interactions in their local and global societies?

Summative questions to show understanding
Am I keeping up? (It is critical to ensure that students stay up before going on to the next course. Undoubtedly, some people will be ahead of the game while others will fall behind. Providing them a performance appraisal in either situation will give you a basic idea of where the clas...
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