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Student Demographics Past and Present

Essay Instructions:

Select and compare two institutions of higher education in the United States, one from 1975 and one from today. In an online search of the selected institutions’ websites, look at student demographics data from their offices of institutional research. In a short paper, compare and contrast the changes that you see related to student profiles and enrollment numbers and hypothesize about the effects that societal trends and internal and external forces have had on those demographics. Evaluate the implications the changing demographics have had on the institution. Consider how communication strategies may be reflected differently in institutional communications to students from 1975 to today and how that may be connected to technology. Support your conclusions with specific examples of new programs and services recently developed and offered.

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Student Demographics Past and Present
Institutional Affiliation;
Founded in 1975, Iowa State University is an institution of learning in America that hosts students from close to 100 countries who come to study leadership skills among other honors. The University offers world class scholarships to over 800 student organizations with Iowa offering a greater learning environment. On the other hand, the University of Alabama is a student-based research university that is committed to enhancing the lives of the students in Alabama and its environs. This paper therefore seeks to compare the demographics between two institutions of higher learning with the aim of evaluating several implications detailed in the information’s.
Student Demographics between the Institutions
Iowa State University enrolment projections based on an historical trend currently depict that the institution is facing a decline in its enrollments with figures dwindling from 26.380 students to 25,163 a factor that is acknowledged to the fall in High school graduates from Iowa. The school anticipates a projected stability until 2011 then experience a decline again, as revealed by sources (Dunford, 2001).
Through this numbers, it apparent that the University will enhance its recruitment shares to reach out to Iowa High School student graduates and also engage in student transfers in order to maintain the schools retention rate. The schools principle mentioned that the main reasons for the depletion in student turnovers were mainly pointed to the increments in tuition revenues among other factors (Hinrichs, 2012). A difference in 20 students would translate to a loss of over USD 1.5 million, with this causing an impact on the universities overall budget.
The university of Alabama has however in the wake of the 21st Century has experienced a shift in demographics and ascribe this as a product of a year’s plan. The University has a student population of up to 62 percent or 4,279. This year, the institution has registered an increment in its population to 6,865 freshmen students (Hinrichs, 2012). The students who reside from Alabama accounted for 2,474 that are close to 36 percent. The University acknowledges an increase in the in state enrollments with this changing over time.
The Universities administration mentions that this year, there was a projected increase in the freshmen enrollments with out-of-state students leading by majorities. This has seen a rice in the enrollment levels of students to 17,830 with students from other states making up a population of up to 16,622 of the entire student population, while international students amounting to 1,670 (Hinrichs, 2012). All the institutions population amounts to 18,292 students of the student population. Looking at the two institutions, it is noticeable that there are demographic variables between the student enrollments, a factor that depicts some influences that affect or impact the student’s enrollments in these institutions.
The effects of societal trends
This entry therefore depicts and hypotheses the effects that societal trends including the internal and external forces and their impacts on the demographics of the institutions mentioned. These trends include;
Economic Factors;
Higher institutions of learning in some instances from time and again face financial challenges with these constraints passed on students. These Universities depend on the student tuition levies for their support since the financial support systems from the government...
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