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Standards-Based Learning Objectives

Essay Instructions:

Teachers of social studies and the arts are challenged to develop standards-based curriculum that integrates current local and global issues into instruction. Doing so engages students in applying content knowledge to real-world problems. To develop a standards-based curriculum, educators must first research grade-level specific state academic standards for social studies in order to align learning objectives with required learning standards.
The Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels are an extension of the Know, Understand, and Do guidelines and activate complexity in thinking, rather than just focusing on content.
There are four levels that allow students to engage with content in various ways:
Recall and Reproduction
Skills and Concepts/Basic Reasoning
Strategic Thinking/Complex Reasoning
Extended Thinking/Reasoning
Use the “Unwrapping the Standards” template to complete this assignment.
Part 1: Video Evaluation
View a social studies activity video segment found in the Topic Materials. In 250-500 words, reflect on the following:
Here are all the links the teacher provided:
Has the teacher modeled academic language and critical thinking skills while addressing social studies standards and current events? Provide examples for why or why not.
What questioning strategies does the teacher incorporate into social studies instruction to increase students’ critical thinking skills and depth of knowledge?
Part 2: Writing Learning Objectives
Using the standards from your state (Colorado), select one social studies standard and one art standard. Write one measurable learning objective to the standards for each DOK level using “Students will be able to” language.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unwrapping the Standards
Part 1: Video Evaluation
The teacher uses the practical illustration of art and dancing. The illustration dancing clips are interesting to watch, and this is helpful to the young learners because they remain attentive to the classwork. Therefore, the learners can get motivated and yearn to learn more about the seemingly interesting class that is about to begin. The teacher used the attractive clips to develop a sense of the value of the class readings towards understanding such social art as dancing. Therefore, about the introductory clip, learners can relate the value of the academic concepts to the social practices carried out by society.
The teacher uses practical exercises such are reciting songs that help the learners get active as the class begins. The recitals are good reminders of the learners of basic concepts taught in class. Critical objectives of social studies and art class such as defining and listing, and identifying are developed into songs that are easy to remember. Such songs help the learners retain the vital learning concepts as determined by the social studies standards of the particular grade.
Also, the short songs help the learners appreciate good social values as they keep reciting them in the songs. Therefore, the recitals help the young minds remember good social practices such as what to do when they wake up. Therefore, through the recitals, the teacher can instill good social practices and behaviors in the young learners.
The teacher keeps the learners engaged through class discussions and asking questions that the students have to recall or think about the suitable answers. The students can invoke their minds as they think of great answers to the questions that the teacher poses while in class.
The teachers use art to exercise what they have learned in class. The teacher allows the young talents to explore art and make t...
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