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Skill Instrument

Essay Instructions:

Develop a 350-500 word plan that you can use to help plan the transition for Jamal, the subject of a “Classroom Scenario” in Ch. 16 of The Inclusive Classroom. Include the following in:: •A list of at least 10 life skills that students with disabilities need for the transition from the school setting to alternate work or home living settings, such as the ability to manage money, access public transportation, communicate effectively, and so forth •An assessmentof Jamal’s current skills, given the information from the scenario. If you do not have at least five skills on your list that he still needs to develop, edit your list to reflect that there is still work to be done •A written plan that explains how you will help Jamal develop those skills Format your plan in APA style.

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Skill Instrument
Skill Instrument
Life skills that students with disability need for transition from the school setting to alternate work or home living settings
The following skills would help students with disabilities as they move to work or general home environments in managing themselves and realizing better quality of life even as they strive to tap their full potential for the realization of their individual aspirations and ambitions.
1 Ability to traverse or pass through the community, able to commute (transport) to work and go shopping among others.
2 Ability to live autonomously within the confines of a private residence, being able to prepare food, wash, handle household appliances and so forth.
3 Ability to groom oneself and keep clean.
4 Ability to achieve and or initiate self-care and personal health concerns.
5 Ability to manage money matters, particularly personal income (self accountability).
6 Ability to communicate effectively with others, this involves listening skills.
7 Realization of interpersonal skills for dealing with or rather interacting with others via both verbal and non-verbal communication.
8 Career development and advancing skills.
9 Skills of managing stress; involves the importance of understanding who you really are and what you can and cannot do.
10 Language skills, which form the backbone of communication, writing and socialization.
(Dever & Knapczyk, 1988)
The following section involves an assessment of Jamal’s current skills using information from the case scenario.
The fact that Jamal has severe disabilities implies that he faces challenges in a number of life skills, which he still needs to develop. For instance, transport skills (for he works in a supported work environment and gets assistance getting to and from wor...
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