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Scientific Method

Essay Instructions:

The scientific method is useful in problem solving and decision-making in a wide variety of fields. In this assignment, you will demonstrate how to use the scientific method to make decisions and solve problems in your field of study or everyday life.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

Explain the scientific method and describe the overall manner in which you would apply it in your field of study or everyday life.

Identify a specific problem often faced in your field of study or everyday life. Research your problem and assess your data / research. Examples of such problems could be:


Developing a new product that is superior to competitor’s brands; or

Establishing a price for a new product using the law of supply and demand;

Information Systems and Technology

The use of personal electronic devices for work purpose, or

Determining in the most cost-effective computer for your business;

Criminal Justice

The reliability of eyewitness testimony, or

Determining what evidence is revealing to you about a crime;

Everyday life

Selecting a particular brand of detergent, or

Determining the most cost efficient transportation/route for your commute.

Propose one (1) testable hypothesis to explain / solve the problem. State the expected outcomes of your actions and include criteria for determining whether or not these actions would succeed. Note: Your hypothesis should be stated very precisely.

Describe the main actions that you intend to put into place to test your hypothesis that you proposed in Question 3. Describe the way in which you would evaluate the success of your program. Include the results that you would deem as a success and the results that would be considered a failure.

Discuss the wisdom behind the strategy you used to test the hypothesis from Question 4, and describe the additional steps you might take depending on the results of your test. Note: These additional steps might be to revise your original hypothesis (if the results were unsatisfactory) or to propose new hypotheses. The goal is to continuously improve your understanding of the factors influencing your outcomes, to be able to achieve greater results over time. 

Use at least two (2) quality resources / references in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and personal blogs do not qualify as quality resources. The body of the paper must have in-text citations that correspond to the references. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with proper use of in-text citations to credit your sources.

Your report must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Apply concepts in physical sciences to evaluate current trends and issues in the modern world.

Describe the physical processes influencing climate and weather, including the roles of natural and anthropogenic activity on climate.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in physical sciences.

Write clearly and concisely about physical sciences using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

[student’s name]
[professor’s name]
[course title]
Using the Scientific Method in Daily Life
Science is another way of acquiring knowledge, just like common intuition and philosophy. Its main difference, however, is that it utilizes the scientific method, a step-by-step methodology for gaining deeper understanding of a phenomenon – whether natural or man-made. At its most basic level, the scientific method is a three-step process (Carey, 1998, p. 3): observing, explaining, and testing. These days, however, most people use a five-step method. In the words of Craig Pease and James Bull (2000): goal, model, data, evaluation and revision. Translated in common language, the scientific method involves the following processes: (1) Making an observation, (2) Proposing a hypothesis, (3) Designing and performing an experiment to test the hypothesis, (4) Analyzing the data to know whether to accept or reject the hypothesis, and if necessary (5) Proposing and testing a new hypothesis.
While the scientific method is commonly associated with scientific experiments, the reality is that it is more commonly used in daily life. In fact, most scientific inquiries are triggered by common day-to-day problems. Why do some materials float, and why do others sink? What makes the rain fall and why is there drought? When these questions were answered, new innovations were developed, each one making drastic impact in the way individuals conduct their daily lives. Aside from these material inventions, the use of the scientific method has actually enabled inviduals to solve non-scientific problems such as those encountered in relationships, work, and even in school. .In a sense, the scientific method is the basis for critical thinking – it enables people to see what is happening around them in an objective manner and resolve issues with depth and greater understanding.
To illustrate the power of the scientific method, it shall be used to answer a common problem in the corporate world: how can a company develop a new product that is superior to its competitor? The five-step process shall be used for this purpose.
Making an observation
In the past few years, many scientific innovations have changed the way daily life is conducted. For one, the internet has become so prevalent it is starting to have a life of its own. Many businesses are now using this platform to expand their operations while several marketers have taken to using social media to advertise their product. Whereas in the past companies only needed to focus on producing quality products in order to sell, today a company must have good internet reputation if it wants to sustain its business. And in light of the changing climate, marginalization of communities and availability of eco-friendly methods of production, company reputation now relies on its social relevance and environmental friendliness. People today are slowly awakening to a new way of producing and consuming as information from all over the world is becoming common place. No wonder more people are getting attracted towards yoga, exercise, vegetarianism, and other healthy lifestyle choices.
Proposing a hypothesis
The observations above are very important because it does not only focus on improving actual production technologies, but also, provides in...
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