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Scientific Method, APA Code of Ethics, and Informed Consent

Essay Instructions:

Informed consent is a standard part of research studies. As part of the IRB application process, researchers create a sample consent form that is submitted with their study protocol. This consent form will be used with participants to inform them of the study and, once the study has been explained, the participants will sign the informed consent form. As part of the process, the informed consent form needs to include a description of what the study involves, including risks and benefits, if the study is confidential, and how the study data is used.

The Unit 4 Assignment will include three parts:

Identification of a topic you would be interested in studying and how it could be studied scientifically

Identification of the APA ethical principles and description of how your study could conform to them.

Creating a consent form that could be used with your study idea.

Using the Unit 4 Assignment Template, please answer the questions for Part 1 and Part 2. Then, for Part 3, create a sample informed consent form to conduct a study that is of interest to you. You may create a study from a topic that you have discussed in prior weeks, but this is not required. The goal is to create a draft of an informed consent form similar to that which a researcher would submit to an IRB board for review.

Note: You will not actually conduct this study. You are just thinking through the steps of how a study could be designed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Code of Ethics
Due Date
Informed Consent
Part 1: The Scientific Method
1 What is a psychology topic you would be interested in researching?
Men are more likely to suffer from mental health issues than women in marriages.
2. What are the steps of the scientific method?
Helmenstine (2020) proposes six steps in pursuing a scientific method. These steps are as follows: (a) identifying the research question; (b) conducting background research on the topic; (c) developing a hypothesis; (d) testing the hypothesis by carrying out the experiment; (e) analysis of the information and making of a conclusion; and (f) convey your findings.
1 Why is the scientific method important to follow?
It adds credence to the study. Having followed the scientific process makes it possible for hypotheses to be assessed based on scientific proof, giving grounds to approve or disapprove the speculations.
2 How could you study your topic following the steps of the scientific method?
A study on why men are more likely to suffer from mental health issues than women in marriages. The hypothesis would be men suffer from mental health problems more than women in marriages. I then would start introducing the research by providing some context. I will also discuss the relevance and deficiencies of existing studies and make a convincing argument as to why the study is crucial. I'll then conduct a literature review. Determine the methodology for the study, starting with how samples will be collected and how interview questions will be conducted. Carry out actual data collection. Prepare the data by stating the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. I then would test the hypothesis to see whether it is coherent with other previous research. I'd complete with a conclusion and recommendations.
The American Psychological Association Code of Ethics
Ethical principles of the American Psychological Association
The ethical principles and code of conduct of the American Psychological Association (APA) were first established in 1953. (American Psychological Association, n.d). Since its inception, numerous amendments have been made, the most recent being in 2012. The code of ethics serves as a guideline for acceptable behavior in psychology, protecting clients/patients (American Psychological Association, n.d). Because the patient-psychologist relationship is so delicate, all parties must set regulations and standards to prevent any unjustifiable violations.
According to the APA code of ethics, a therapist must always strive for professionalism in their line of duty. Psychotherapists must be aware of the scope of their areas of expertise and the constraints of their qualifications. Members should exercise caution when making decisions and take measures to protect the well-being of those with whom they work (American Psychological Association, n.d). The code of ethics also requires psychologists to pursue ongoing self-improvement through education.
When teaching and practicing, members of the association are expected to promote integrity. Psychologists must be honest, reasonable, and considerate of their colleagues. False statements about one's credentials, service charges, offerings, research, or teaching should not be made. Members need to know of their roles and limitations and how they affect service delivery (American Psychological Association, n.d). Members of the Association should avoid inappropriate relationships that could bring the profession into disrepute.
Professional and scientific responsibility
The APA code of ethics requires members to maintain professional standards, according to the Associations. Members must define their professional roles and responsibilities, accept accountability for their actions, and tailor their approaches to the needs of those they serve. Psychologists should collaborate or consult with other professionals and institutions as needed to serve the best interests...
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