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Resource Teacher Know-How

Essay Instructions:

A special education teacher in a resource setting has a very difficult job, meeting the needs of a variety of students and covering a multitude of subject matters in a single class period. Being able to properly structure your class and effectively manage class time will help you meet the needs of all students and not become overwhelmed. Adding several strategies and accommodations to your teaching repertoire will also increase your efficacy in the classroom.

For this assignment, assume the role of a first-year special education teacher who has been assigned to the resource room to assist students who are working at the ninth grade level for both English and math. Read the “Class Profile” to obtain specific information about the needs of the students in this class. In addition to the students, you have a paraprofessional in the classroom to assist you. Students meet with you for 50 minutes each day to get help with homework, finish their classwork, study for tests, and get extra support in each subject area. You will need to structure the class so you can address individual student needs in both subject areas and help students develop their cross-curricular skills.

Part 1: Teacher Inquiries

After reviewing the “Class Profile, address the following in a 250-500 word response;

Describe questions you would have about your teaching assignment before it begins, including any requests for additional information.

Describe questions you would have for fellow teachers and administration.

Identify additional information you would like to have before the end of the first week of school.

Provide a rationale for each inquiry by citing both the “Class Profile” and a minimum of two additional scholarly resources in your responses.

Part 2: Classroom Environment

In 500-750 words compose a response for the following:

Describe a minimum of three possible ways to structure the classroom setting to meet the needs of the students from the “Class Profile.”

Describe a minimum of two possible ways to structure a class period.

Describe a minimum of three instructional strategies and materials, including accommodations and/or assistive technology, that could be employed to meet the curricular content needs of your students in both the English language arts and math classes.

Describe two collaboration strategies to use when working with the classroom paraprofessional assisting you in meeting the needs of the students in the resource room setting.

Provide support for your responses by citing both the “Class Profile” and a minimum of two additional scholarly resources in your responses.

While APA format is not required for the body of the assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Resource Teacher know-how
Student data
Institutional Affiliation
Resource Teacher Know-how
Questions about my teaching assignment
Students with special needs present a wide range of both strengths and needs in various areas. Some of the questions I would ask are as follows; how is the relationship of the students with their parents? Are there assigned mentors in the school that can offer guidance? And what kind of training will I receive as a first-time special education teacher? Will I have planning time? I also request to be shown around the school so that I to be familiar with the places and access the various facilities that will aid in my assignments.
Questions to the Teachers and Administration.
It is essential as a first-year special education teacher to become part of the school community, this will mean that I should interact with my colleagues, that is, fellow teachers and the administration. Some of the things I would wish to know would include; what support is given to first-year teachers? Which special Education service models are available? What is the process of procuring materials that I need for my classroom? According to the class profile, there are only two English learners, why? Is it for me to group students who are in the same Individualized Education Program together? What curriculum is being used in the school?
Additional information
Additional information I would wish to get before the end of the first week in school is about the paraprofessional. A paraprofessional is there to help me carry out some daily tasks and set up lessons when needed, is it okay for me to assign them responsibilities in case I am absent due to unavailable circumstances?
Special needs teachers play a key role in transforming the lives of students with special needs. Mnangu (2016) perceive teachers to be the most valuable human resources available and suggest that they should be supported to promote inclusive practices in all schools. Balanced teacher training is the only way to go, according to McConkey and Bradley (2017), because LwDs and OSNs all learn at their paces (so are ordinary learners), thus, without considering this, the authors observe, all good efforts to promote inclusive schools can end up wasted. As a first-year special education teacher, I will need training to know how to handle my students and motivate them to perform well. From the class profile, eight students are two and three years below the grade level, while in Reading there are four students below the grade level, extra coaching is needed to improve performance in these areas. In conclusion, the curriculum being used and the mode of teaching is also important for the student’s performance.
Ways to structure the classroom setting
One of the ways to structure the classroom setting is to keep a small class size. According to the class profile, the classroom size could be grouped into two or three lessons according to the students' performance level, for example, those that are two years below grade level would fit perfectly in one class, this will help the teacher understand their areas of d...
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