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Importance of Cognitive and Social Theories to Child Development

Essay Instructions:
Psychology of Learning Research Paper #2 Due: August 8th at beginning of class Keep in mind that you can choose ANY 3 theories that we have covered in class (up to and including Motivation) so long as they are NOT the 3 you have already discussed in Paper #1. You are also free to choose what the purpose of your paper will be. For example you can examine Piaget, Vygotsky, and Bandura and argue why their 3 theories are especially important to children's development and how useful they are in a classroom setting. You could also compare and contrast theories to one another and argue how some are more/less useful or easy for early educators to implement into the classroom setting…. Goal: The goal of this research paper is for you to synthesize information/research on the various ideas and theories that have been discussed in class in order to determine what they suggest educators should be doing in the classroom (Best Practices). Directions: 1. You may work with a partner or on your own to complete this assignment. 2. The paper should be 8-10 pages in length. 3. The paper must be typed 4. When writing the paper APA format is required. 5. You will need to access a range of research sources to reliable prepare this assignment. Class PowerPoint's will not be sufficient source material .Students are encouraged to include a minimum of three research sources per theory for preparing this section of the paper. It should include the following components: Title page Introduction Introduce the theories and research you'll be examining from the material covered in the first half of the course and explain how you will be examining the information Research (this will be done in chart form). Each student will need to research three different theories for the charts they will be handing in. e.g. of chart Sternberg's Triarchic Theory Impact on the Environment Impact on Teacher/Child interaction Impact on Child/Child Interaction Impact on behavior guidance Summative reflections based on the research information In this section you will reflect on your emerging experiences involving field placement. Determine (i.e. provide examples) how the theories or research were incorporated into the centre's programming (environments: outdoor & indoor, curriculum: indoor & outdoor, behaviour guidance practices, etc.).Provide some concrete recommendations for how these theories can be better reflected in the teaching practices you observed in your placement. Conclusion In this section you should look at the previous sections and draw some general conclusions about what research/theories are currently being incorporated into an ECE program and the reasons why. You could also indicate why it would or would not be good for programs to incorporate some of the theories into a program. References Bibliography - Make sure all sources of information are referenced in-text as well as in the reference section. Possible research topics: Paper #2 Topics 1. The Big 3: Arguments for the three most influential theories for teachers/child care workers 2. How to maximize the views of Gardner, Piaget, and Vygotsky in a classroom or early learning centre 3. 3 theories to leave behind: Arguments for 3 theories that have little impact or support in today's child development (i.e., General Intelligence theories, some motivation theories, moral development?) 4. 3 theories critical/essential to early development (i.e., Attachment, Bandura, Motivation)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Importance of Cognitive and Social Theories to Child Development
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Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc332283582 \h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc332283583 \h 3Research Design and Methods PAGEREF _Toc332283584 \h 3Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc332283585 \h 4Research and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc332283586 \h 4References PAGEREF _Toc332283587 \h 10
The development of a child is influenced by several factors such as the teacher, the environment, the peers or the parents. Research studies have identified the growth of children to be different and the way they are affected by the influential factors on their growth is different too. However, there are a number of stages through which the children pass during the adolescent years. The way a child is brought up is important since it can affect the child in either a positive or negative manner. Several scholars have defined the term child development but according to Erikson, child development is a continuous process that occurs through various stages in a child with a number of elements that change at different rates.
Child development occurs at different rates through time. Several scholars have contributed to this topic on child development. However, this study looks at the theories proposed by Freud Bandura, Piaget and Vygotsky on the reasons why children in most cases behave the way they do. These theories propose on the way children grow and the way they are affected by various factors. However, other critics of these theories such as the cognitive social learning theory believe that the process of child development is through observation and it is influenced by the way the given child "imitates" the others through cognitive processes (Bandura, 2009). Therefore how these theories are proposed by these scholars important to child development and how useful are they in the classroom setting remains a key argument in education.
However, all the theories have a consensus that children grow through observing the way peers behave, parents, teachers, and the environment and take those behavior as their own. It is true that Piaget, Vygotsky and Bandura have contributed greatly to the way children are being taught in school (Ben, 2011).
Research Design and Method
The research methodology applied in this research will be designed to achieve the set purpose statement and test of the paper. Data collection methods for this research will be conducted through primary and secondary methods. The latter method will include books, academic journals, online articles, past projects by different authors, scholars and other related theories on this topic in order to get beneath the "child development" topic and uncover some information on the contrast and comparison of the different theories talked about in the introduction part.
This research paper relies on predictions on perceptions by various theories proposed by scholars towards the way social learning theories contribute to new behaviors by children and the use of "Lockwood Analytical Method for Prediction"- LAMP method would be important in answering some issues on this research topic (Ben, 2011). However, current debates are concerned about the implementation of some of these theories to the classroom setting; however other research studies have not looked in depth about the research questions. However, my research through LAMP method of analysis will account for other things that are "overlooked" in these theories` contribution to child development (Pitts, 2002).
Even though there emerges a number of differences between scholars about the view on child development, it can be observed that child development can be seen as "universal". This study relies on the ideas of Piaget, Vygotsky and Bandura`s theories to emphasize that the factors that contribute to child development are specific to time and the social setting. Therefore the hypothesis in this study is that all the three scholars have greatly influenced how children are taught in school and therefore their theories are important to child development (Burman, 2012).
Research and Analysis
It is important to understand child development as it gives educators a chance to appreciate the different stages that children go through in their developmental stages. Children pass through cognitive, emotional, physical, social and educational stages in their growth to adulthood. The emergence of the theories of cognitive such as Piaget`s cognitive development theory, Vygotsky socio-cultural cognitive theory and Bandura`s observational learning theory are important to understanding the different aspects of child growth (Piaget, 1969). However, other critics may think that cognitive theories are not of any importance to child development as a child can learn to do something through an adult`s assistance without necessarily following the cognitive theory stages (Breuer, 2008).
However, these theories in particular Piaget`s and Vygotsky theories have influenced the way children are taught in school, for example Piaget emphasizes that any child moves from one stage to another through learning while Vygotsky emphasizes that children be brought along into the "proximal" zone through participated guidance of the adults (Freud, 2011). In this respect these theories have enabled us to understand and relate the theories to what happens in the child development stages. It makes the educators know that the way a child thinks is influenced by the social knowledge that come from either psychology that is language, numbers or through books. This idea brought about by Vygotsky`s socio-cultural cognitive theory therefore help people know why children at a certain stage behave why they do so and tend to change through time.
The concept brought about by Piaget`s that children learn through guidance is important to the real world setting. However, Vygotsky`s theories help in understanding of the role of social interaction in child development. This theory has an impact on the child interaction as it helps the community to know that it has an important role to play in the child`s social interaction. Just unlike the way Piaget`s theory proposes that the stages of a child most cases precedes their learning process, through Vygotsky`s theory educators are able to understand that learning is important in the process of a child`s development and therefore this theory has an impact on the way edu...
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