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The Relationship between Engagement and Motivation in Learning

Essay Instructions:

Self-regulated, independent learners are more likely to take ownership for their success. Motivation and engagement are key characteristics of independent learners. Once self-regulated learners are motivated to perform, their level of engagement increases during instruction. A teacher’s role is to establish a culture of personal motivation, inspiring them through instructional strategies.
For this assignment, create a digital poster that could be displayed in your future classroom. Possible programs for creating this poster include, but are not limited to, Word, Publisher, and Poster My Wall.
Include the following in your poster:
Representation of a classroom culture to foster engagement and motivation
A routine in the classroom allowing for ownership of learning, independent working centers, or additional activities that can be completed independently
The student’s role, the teacher’s role, and the expectations of both to maintain a positive environment and manage behaviors.
In addition to the visual poster, include a 250-500 word rationale to describe:
The relationship between engagement and motivation.
How motivation and engagement in the learning environment can influence self-regulated learners
How motivation and engagement in the learning environment supports diverse learning needs

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Classroom Climate Visual
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Classroom Climate Visual
Engagement refers to a sense of purpose, commitment, and belonging while motivation denotes the ambition and willingness to act on those impulses. Engagement and motivation are related in the sense that academic success requires both elements working in tandem: one must first be committed to learning and then have the drive to put this learning purpose into action. Engagement is the foundation of academic success while motivation is the energy needed to actually do it: it is therefore necessary for a student to be both engaged and motivated to succeed. Motivation and engagement in the learning environment can influence self-regulated learners by pushing them to constantly: evaluate their strengths and weaknesses; question their learning and approach to learning tasks; as well as consider their failures or successes as factors within their limit of control. Motivation and engagement provide both the impetus and the drive to engage in self-observation and self-asessment activities geared towards improving the self-regulatory learner’s competence.
Without the ambitio...
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