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Individual Reflection and Journaling on Ethical Decision-Making

Essay Instructions:

As David Lamb (2013) wrote, “The research journal provided an outlet for observations that were not recorded elsewhere and encouraged critical analysis and critical thinking, both key research skills in qualitative research (Patton, 2004)” (p.86)

Compose a 1- to 2-page paper reflecting on what you learned in the research assignments in this course. Think critically and specifically. Reflect, in particular, on the dimensions of ethics and social justice that emerged.

Equity Investigation and Improvement Plan – Draft
Complete your Module 8 Assignment by the end of Week 8.

Investigate existing disparities between organizations, or within an organization, and develop an improvement plan based upon your investigations to improve social justice, equity, and access in education. Identify the stakeholders, and include details on how they would be included. (If you are considering an educational institution, for example, include details on how the community, students, parents, faculty, and staff will play a role in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the plan.) If there are virtual stakeholders or an online dimension to the organization, please include this as well.

Develop a presentation draft to share with your course professor at the end of Module 8. While it is strongly recommended that you use video, you might also consider using an animated, 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation. Submit the file, or a link to the presentation website (e.g., Jing, Prezi), in Canvas.

School-Based Example with More Details:
Compare a school in a less affluent (low socioeconomic) section of a local school district/division with a school in an affluent section. Use the following questions to guide your comparison.
What is the learning environment? Please be as specific as you can. Describe the physical plants, the materials, the technology available, the class sizes, and other aspects deemed important.
How do stakeholders (e.g., teachers, school families, etc.) perceive the schools? Assess the level of volunteer programs and business or community partnerships. Are there differences?
How are the schools viewed in the community-at-large?
How would authors of some of the provided and the recommended readings and resources perceive the schools?
As a stakeholder in each of these schools, what would/could you do? Would there be differences? If so, what would they be and why?
If you became the leader of each of these schools, how would/could you address any differences you see?
What should local entities do to address the issues?

Applying Tangen’s Ethical Matrix Method
Complete your Module 7 Assignment by the end of Week 7.

After reading Tangen’s article, and in particular the case study example (pp. 685-688), apply the General Ethical Matrix Method (Internal Version) to map the terrain of ethical issues as it will relate to your planned capstone research. Submit your final 1-page matrix and text to describe your matrix at the end of Module 7.

Exploring Social Justice/Ethical Theory In Depth
Complete your Module 6 Assignment by the end of Week 6.

Pick one of the thought leaders mentioned in this module’s readings, such as (Paulo Freire was selected) , John Dewey, and others. Conduct further research on this individual’s personal background and philosophical contributions to ethics/social justice.

Tough Decisions in the 21st Century
Complete your Module 4-5 Assignment by the end of Week 5. NOTE: You will submit your final paper to this page.

During Modules 4 and 5, identify an individual working in an organization where tough ethical decisions were made. (You might want to choose someone whose work/organization would be relevant to your dissertation or capstone research, such as working in online education or with community organizations.)

Ask this individual about a difficult ethical decision he or she has made and how it was made. (NOTE: You may choose to use one of the ethical decision-making frameworks presented in the Module 3 Readings to guide your work.)

In your final paper, write up 2 to 3 pages (not including the title or references pages) describing the interview and the context of the organization. In your discussion/concluding section, relate your findings to your readings and resources.

A few of the research area/topics covered in this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Individual Reflection and Journaling
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Individual Reflection and Journaling
           The research assignments in this course have highlighted numerous aspects, including social justice, ethical decision-making, and inequality in various environments. Ethical decision-making has been evaluated using the ethical matrix method. According to Biasetti & De Mori (2021), the ethical matrix is a theoretical technique developed to assist decision-makers in reaching sound judgments regarding the ethical adequacy of a phenomenon. It applies principles of respect for well-being, self-sufficiency, and fairness in making appropriate decisions (Biasetti & De Mori, 2021). The ethical matrix method may raise awareness of various ethical issues, provide a common framework for ethical decision-making, embolden ethical reflection, identify agreement areas, clarify the reason for disagreements, and explain the logic that supports any ethical decision.
It is worth noting that ethical decision-making is complex because it requires decision-makers to handle various value dimensions and possible conflicts (Biasetti & De Mori, 2021). To overcome the problem associated with ethical decision-making, it is imperative to consider ethical analysis that utilizes the ethical matrix method, whose primary goal is to unpack entwined ethical circumstances and map the accompanied values (Biasetti & De Mori, 2021). This helps decision-makers to explore existing possibilities for breaking a moral dilemma. 
The assignments have also investigated social justice theory, which advocates for equality in wealth distribution, education, health, justice, opportunity, and privileges, regardless of background, race, origin, class, or political affiliation (Watts & Hodgson, 2019). Initially, this theory focused on wealth, capital, and property distribution due to the high prevalence of disparity and economic anguish directed at specific racial and income groups (Watts & Hodgson, 2019). 
           Today, social justice focuses on human rights and improving the lives of the sidelined and underprivileged groups that have constantly encountered discrimination (Watts & Hodgson, 2019). Historically, pe...
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