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Prevention Science: Interventions for Children and Youth

Essay Instructions:

Hi there:

Please go through 5 chapters that extracted from 2 textbooks that I uploaded.

1. Then please provide one discussion question for each chapter, so five questions in total.

For example, you can ask question like:

As the article mentioned ".........", (refer to the article and it pages and paragraph), how do you as educator........(post open-ended question) and then briefly answer the each question. 1 page.

2. Provide a sixth question that should be a thoughtful question through ALL chapters and record a reflection on the readings. The reflection should be about 1 page and show how you have thought about the readings in relation to your practice. The sixth question from chapters could be related to following topics:

A. Evidenced Informed Best Practice & The 5 Es of Prevention

B. Levels of Prevention-Universal and targeted

C. Risk and Resilience,

D. Program Evaluation and Explication: BRIO Case Study Approach


This course is all about:

1. Understand basic prevention science theory and research among children

2. Identify the personal and contextual risk and protective factors and how they relate to optimal human development/resilience

3. Discuss the role of various service providers in prevention

4. Evidence an ability to participate in the design and evaluation of prevention programs

Requirements for five questions:

1. You have posed exceptionally thought-provoking questions that challenge conceptions about the topic and/or bring about a fuller appreciation of the issues or findings of the assigned article.

2. You have fostered a critical dialogue that allow me to share with others that my peers through my comments and further questions.

3.The tone set in the discussion has been respectful while stimulating a rich discussion.

The questions must related to the chapter topic. The questions should not only have a connection with the article, but also can lead more thinkings, which means the answer should NOT easily be found from article.

Questions do not have to agree with all chapter's content, you must question and critique at least ONE question about article.

Notes: The question should be asked from future early childhood educator's perspectives.

Thank you and stay safe let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prevention Science: Interventions for Children and Youth
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Prevention Science: Interventions for Children and Youth
Chapter 3 of Applications of Resilience titled 'Individuality, Family, and Community Resilience", page 61, identifies how to recognize resilience in individuals, families, and communities (Benard, 2002). As an educator, how do you know your student is resilient?
For an educator, recognizing a resilient student is an easy task. The chapter identifies social competence, problem-solving, autonomy, and a sense of purpose as resilient individuals' key identifiers. This aspect easily connects to students. For example, a student who is responsive to communication, empathetic, critical thinker, and optimistic is arguably resilient.
Chapter 4 of the same article discusses Community Organizing for Health and Social Justice. Page 96 talks of Youth Organizing and young people's role in impacting society changes (Benard, 2002). How will an educator empower his youthful students to play a leading role in championing social justice?
Firstly, it is critical to train the youth in community organizing and empower them with skills that can alter power relations and create meaningful changes within their society. For instance, the youth must be politically empowered and granted access to various decision-making processes. As a result, the youth will have a voice and a platform to positively impact society.
Chapter 5 identifies the importance of working collaboratively to advance collaboration (Benard, 2002). What methods will an educator use to advance a coalition among his students?
To begin with, coalitions come with several advantages. Coalitions serve as forums to share information and resources. Besides, coalitions help achieve objectives beyond the scope of any individual entity. An educator should underscore the importance of coalition to his students, organize them into inefficient and functional groups, and cast them in challenging activities. This will foster a sense of team spirit.
In the Reconceptualizing Resilience article, author H.B Kaplan poses some pertinent questions in chapter 3, titled Reconceptualizing Resilience. Many people misunderstand the concept of resilience (Kaplan, 2013). As an educator, would you argue that the opposite of resilience is non-resilience or vulnerability?
This is a highly technical question that may h...
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