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Philosophy of Education Essay

Essay Instructions:
I will upload the instructions. Basically, this assignment should be done as a teachers philosophy towards/about education. I will upload the directions and please follow this precisely;) There are no instructions on length. I am guessing 3-4 pages??? I will pay for 3 pages now, if it ends up being that you need to produce more, send me a link and I will pay for remaining pages. I have not listed resources, however, I know you will need some. You can choose to find your own resources to follow outline or you may ask me if I have any info and I would be more than happy to forward that to you. I hope this is enough info...If not, please MESSAGE/E-MAIL ME Thank you so much
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Philosophy of Education
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Philosophy of Education
Society is always trying to improve itself through any means possible. This urge to improve has over time brought people who share the same thirst to form institutions of learning. Society has consequently bonded with institutions of learning and both have helped in the development of children. Delivery of knowledge is important therefore in learning. My perfect idea of a teacher is one who is able to deliver the required information to all students effectively. At the same time, as a teacher I should depict exemplary morals and ethics to the students. Therefore to be able to teach in a classroom, I should work on enhancing a good and friendly atmosphere in a classroom. To be able to achieve these goals, I will first look into the different aspects that have been put forward on the philosophy of education. But, specifically I will focus on Pragmatism/Progressivism. Effective teaching calls for a student centered approach. Students should find class enjoyable. This way it encourages the student to yearn for knowledge. I will focus on the student as the most fundamental person in the classroom. Therefore whatever I teach should go a long way into ensuring the needs of the student are met. This can be done through various ways, but group work seems to score highly. Reason being, other students in the group might be able to assist the weaker student understand more. I do believe that students should learn through experience as proposed by Rousseau. Instead of continuous lecturing, I will ensure the students are given a chance to experience knowledge first hand and practically (Gordon & Thomas, 2007). I will use any method to enhance student participation in the classroom and improve the student centered approach. Curriculum is important, and I concur with pragmatism (Dewey, 1902). My purpose as the tutor or instructor is to teach or train the student how to think. The mistake that teachers do is trying to teach students what to think. This is wrong as the student will not be able to think under different circumstances than the ones taught. Curriculum helps in producing all round students. It furthermore assists the student to see issues differently and be able to develop different ways to reason. As a teacher I know reasoning has got profound effects on a student. It makes a student care and respect others according to Rousseau. This is evident because in life one has to make decisions, and making the right decisions count. As a tutor I know for a person function properly in society, they should be abl...
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