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Why you selected pharmacy as your career

Essay Instructions:
In the essay please briefly discribe how Doctor of pharmacy degree Relates to your immediate and long term professional goals.Also describe how your personal,educational, professional background will help to you achieve your goal. Hints!!! Include these. Work: I do work in pharmacy & still working since 2005.This could help to achieve my goal through expirience. School: I'm stuyding pre-pharmacy Motivation: I got pharmacy interest after touring medication factory while I\'m in Highschool Motivation: i got the interest after touring medication factory while I am in highschool
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Running Head: EDUCATION
Reasons for choosing pharmacy as my career
Reasons for choosing pharmacy as my career
I chose pharmacy as my career because of the considerable interest I developed towards the pharmacy field following a medical factory tour which I attended while I was in high school. After observing the operations which were undertaken within the factory, I felt the need to directly involve myself in aspects concerning medical administration to individuals hence this pushed me to choose pharmacy as a career. My goal in this case is to effectively participate in offering appropriate solutions to health problems of individuals by offering suitable drugs to meet their medical requirements.
In addition, after observing the various ways through which individuals suffered due to medical problems, I felt the need to extend my efforts towards their rescue by directly serving them within the pharmacy field. In this case I would have the capacity to provide suitable medication to them hence my goal to offer suitable medication to individuals would be realized.
The doctorate degree in pharmacy relates to my immediate as well as long term goals within my profession in various ways. For instance, it allows me to gain substantial knowledge bits concerning the field and this has the capacity to positively influence my performance. In all professional fields, knowledge is very essential because it is through it that individuals have the capacity to undertake various operations in the desired ways. This applies in my case hence I will have the capacity to meet my immediate as well as long term goals within my profession through the k...
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