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Organs donation

Essay Instructions:
i want my paper to talk about organs donations from ethical prospective. when is it acceptable to have organs donations.is it ok to donate organs to my own brothers. moreover, mentally retarded people who can not make reliable decisions can they donate if not who should make the decision for them and so on .
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Title of your paper Student`s Name School Affiliation Abstract The human anatomy contains delicate parts which are prone to diseases and can be vulnerable during unwanted accidents. One way of saving lives is by means of organ transplantation or otherwise called as organ donation. Once a person`s organ is damaged, there is a critical need for that organ to be revived and therefore be replaced with a new and functional one. There are certain processes on how a person can become a donor along with prerequisites required to make sure that the living donor is fit to donate an organ. Whether the donated organ is from a living person or from a deceased donor, professional surgeons make sure that the organ being donated have passed the tests and fit for the transplant procedure. Organ donation together with modern technology is accepted by the public as another form of helping a person stimulate its body parts. However, in some countries particularly their culture and beliefs does not allow this kind of procedure which prevents them from undergoing the process. These philosophies prevent them from going through the life changing experience discovered by man which is discussed on the rest of the essay. As the damaged organ is replaced with a healthy one, new life begins for these people who undergo transplantation. The donor`s organ and that of the recipient`s are tested and therefore goes through a check-up to make sure that their organs are compatible. The results vary depending from the response of the recipient`s body and most of the time the organ transplant is successful and functions very well. Introduction What are organ donation/ transplantation? Who can donate organs? How can a person be a donor? Is there a requisition before the procedure? These are only a few of the questions being tackled within the essay discussing the topic of Organ Donation. This essay aims to argue with the process of organ transplantation among living individuals in aim of saving and revive lives. Another breakthrough of technology has brought change and hope for other individuals seeking for treatment for their organs particularly internal ones. This kind of medical invention can help save the lives of many who are in need of revitalizing their body. Using the gathered facts and information from various sources, this essay will establish a set of explanation to answer the questions mentioned above in order for the readers to identify and be familiar with the topic. The following questions will be addressed with specific answers presented with concrete data results and data analysis. Alongside with the scientific discussions of organ donation, cultural and medical aspects will be included to have an additional knowledge of the main topic. Body What is Organ Donation? Organ Donation (also called as Organ Transplantation) is a medical procedure of transferring a healthy and live organ of a donor to another person called the recipient. This process of replacing a damaged organ with a healthy one comprises of a series of steps in order for the operation to be successful. Medical professionals particularly surgeons will have to let the patient (recipient) and the donor to undergo stages of tests to make sure that the organ being transferred is functional, compatible and thus, fit for the procedure CITATION Und11 \l 13321 (Understanding Organ Donation, 2011). What are the frequent organs fit for transplant? When a person`s organs fail to function according to our body`s needs, it needs to be removed and replaced. A specific part of a human body which performs a particular purpose is called an organ. One example of a common organ being restored is our kidney. It is essential to keep our kidneys healthy as it helps maintain the regulation of our blood pressure, urinary system and regulation of our electrolytes. As kidneys excrete wastes in our body in the form of urine, it also flushes other harmful and unnecessary toxins. With this organ being damaged due to unhealthy living and habits of vices such as smoking and drinking, it reduces its task in absorption of fluids most importantly water, regulation of glucose found in our body which helps retain a person`s resistance and energy CITATION Ethry \l 13321 (Ethics of Organ Transplantation, 2004). The fact that there are only six (6) major organs and five (5) kinds of tissues offered for donation, it can be a difficult search to find a match considering there is a wide range of donors CITATION DPe07 \l 13321 (Pennington, 2007). Solid organs such as Lungs, Liver, Heart, Kidneys, Pancreas, and Intestines are the main internal organs commonly donated as well as used in organ transplantations CITATION Ethry \l 13321 (Ethics of Organ Transplantation, 2004). Who can donate organs? How? Just like anyone else who has a driving license or the right to vote a person who reaches the legal age of eighteen years old (18) can donate and become an organ donor. As long as he/she passed the physical and medical examinations required by specialists, he/she can donate a specific human organ. A person who is deceased can donate as long as the organ is still in shape for the transplantation. With consent from the family of the departed, he/she can be a candidate to donate an organ. These organs from dead bodies are called Cadaveric Organs CITATION Ethry \l 13321 (Ethics of Organ Transplantation, 2004). If the person is not capable in deciding for his own well-being (for ex. mentally-ill individuals, person below 18 years of age, citizens who are not registered in the civil registry), the next-of-kin or a family member close to the donor is needed to waive his/her consent. Although almost every person of legal age can donate, not all are allowed to do so. Religion and beliefs plays a major role when it comes to the topic of organ donation. Coming from major religious groups and spiritual groups, decision making is up to the donor him/herself. Gypsies and Shinto oppose this practice. They believe that a person`s afterlife is traced back by their superior being (e.g. God, for Catholics) CITATION Tom11 \l 13321 (Tom Scheve, 2011). Compatibility is also a concern regarding this procedure to make sure that the organ will function well according to a recipient`s body. Considering the fact that there are thousands of people waiting for a perfect organ donor, it is also a complicated task to find a compat...
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